#042 Golbat

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Golbat, the Bat Pokémon. The evolved form of Zubat. It feeds on the blood of both Pokémon and humans, and is capable of drinking over 10 ounces (300 mL) of blood in one sitting. Golbat drinks so much blood, that its blood type will change to that of its victim following a feed. It is also gluttonous, occasionally gorging itself to the extent that it becomes too heavy to fly. Golbat is nocturnal, and can be found quite easily in caves.

For the nurses with a bigger ambition than simply being a Pokécentre nurse, extra degrees were made available. In the way Nurse Isabelle became something similar to a field medic, some of her colleagues had specialized in Pokémon psychology or therapy. Today, Isabelle stayed at a Pokémon centre where a Joy worked with a degree in echolocation. Echolocation was the practice of using supersonic waves to inspect the insides of a Pokémon without having to perform surgery, using Zubat. Isabelle didn't understand much of it, but judging from the fact people travelled from all over Kanto to get treatment, both humans and Pokémon, it must work well.

In order to pass on the knowledge, the Joy with the Zubat was currently training some other nurses. From the ten nurses that started, only six were still taking classes. Some dropped out because they found it boring or too hard, others were forced to quit because their grades weren't satisfactory. Isabelle felt a bit bad for them, but getting her own degree and official permission to be a travelling nurse had been just as tough.

Sitting in the back of the class, watching the echoscopy Joy teach, Izzy recognised her as one of her classmates. After class, they'd have to catch up. Isabelle had Pidgeotto on her lap and was stroking the bird casually as she listened to the lecture. Joy had a Butterfree out, who could also learn Supersonic. However, as she demonstrated, it wasn't as powerful as Zubat's Supersonic and vital injuries could be missed because of this. She showed on her computer that not the full picture of Jigglypuff on the table could be seen.

Suddenly one of the girls stood up. She pulled a Pokéball from her bag and summoned forth a Pokémon. When the light subsided, a Golbat was flying around in the classroom. Isabelle shuddered. There was something about that Poisonous, blood-sucking bat that freaked her out.

"I'm sure Golbat is strong enough! We'll be able to see even more!" The girl seemed so excited about her idea. However, the Joy teaching wasn't so thrilled.

"Megan, no! Don't –"

"Golbat! Supersonic!" Megan ordered, pointing dramatically at the Jigglypuff.

Then, there was complete pandemonium. Golbat's Supersonic was too powerful for the laptop, causing it to explode loudly, startling all occupants of the classroom, including Isabelle and Pidgeotto. The Supersonic hit the Jigglypuff who, with this added dose, became completely confused. Startled and confused, she became entirely frightened and started crying so loudly everyone had to cover their ears. The fire from the blasted laptop caused the sprinklers to go off, so everyone got wet, too.

Needless to say, for such reckless behaviour, Megan was asked to leave the premises and return next year if she still wished to become specialised in ultrasound.

Far away from all this chaos, Ivysaur and Wartortle were walking around the Pokémon centre. Isabelle had tied a white bow around Ivy's and Wartortle's neck to indicate they are already with a trainer.

In the lobby, a trainer sat with her Pokémon. While Ivysaur struck a conversation with the Vulpix, Wartortle inspected the trainer. She was a gorgeous, elegant lady. Her hair was the colour of Vulpix's coat and curled in a similar manner. She wore a black cocktail dress and black, suede pumps. Her Vulpix looked just as beautiful. Healthy, well-mannered, poised, and perfectly groomed. Ivysaur saw Wartortle looking longingly at the duo and ran off to get Izzy.

When Isabelle came into the lobby, soaking wet with a towel around her shoulders, she found her Wartortle on the lady's lap. The bow had been discarded, laying uselessly on the ground. The lady was polishing Wartortle's shell with an expensive looking wax. Bitterly, Isabelle looked at the wealthy lady. While she looked so perfect, Isabelle looked rather ragged; she was wet, her hair was messy, her shoes a bit muddy, and her clothing of mere cotton. Still, Isabelle straightened her back and approached the lady with a smile.

"Hey there. Your Vulpix looks gorgeous, but I do believe that's my Wartortle,"

The woman in black did not look up, keeping on grooming Izzy's Water-type.

"Ehm, excuse me?" Isabelle tried again.

"I heard you the first time. How could you possibly let your Wartortle get so filthy?"

Insulted, Isabelle frowned at her.

"I take good care of my Pokémon. I just travel a lot and they do get a little dirty from that, but I groom them regularly."

"Well, you're doing a lousy job. Pokémon can be so much prettier when you spend enough time and money on them." Something about the way this lady spoke annoyed Isabelle to no end.

"That may be your opinion, but my job does not allow that. Wartortle, come." To Isabelle's utter surprise and astonishment, Wartortle shook her head and turned her shield on her. "Wartortle!" Isabelle exclaimed, indignant as the lady laughed at her. With her cheeks coloured with shame, Isabelle recalled Wartortle to her ball, from which she could not exclaim. Followed by snide remarks on how she supposedly raises her Pokémon, Isabelle stomped off, followed by abashed-looking Pidgeotto and Ivysaur.

Nurse Isabelle and the Kanto Pokédex: the Diary of a Travelling NurseWhere stories live. Discover now