#083 Farfetch'd

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Farfetch'd, the Wild Duck Pokémon. Farfetch'd is always seen with a stalk from a plant of some sort. Apparently, there are good stalks and bad stalks. This Pokémon has been known to fight with others over stalks.

On one of her last days in Vermillion, Nurse Isabelle was just outside of town, working with her horse. Ponyta didn't seem to like the sea wind, not on islands such as Cinnabar, nor on the docks of Vermillion, so Isabelle hadn't been able to work with her a lot. So today, Isabelle was training with her blue-fired Ponyta in the grassy plains beside Vermillion City, where the breeze was much less. The entrance to Diglett's cave laid there, too, where Isabelle had worked together with Ranger Dominic so long ago.

It had taken a while before Ponyta had allowed Isabelle to saddle her and then even longer before Izzy could mount her. But hard work pays off. There she sat, on the back of her fiery steed. She had to be careful with the reins, not to put her hands near the mane, lest she be burned. Coaxing her to walk in a gentle manner, they casually walked through the grass, getting used to each other. However, at that time, Isabelle's phone went off. Frightened by the sound, Ponyta reared and threw her off.

Pidgey flew up, frightened, when Isabelle landed heavily on her back. Groaning in pain, she picked up the phone.

"Hello!" A cheerful voice sounded.

"Hey Wendy...," Isabelle groaned.

"What happened? Why do you sound like that? Am I calling at a bad time?"

"No more than usual. You just spooked my Ponyta."

"Oh. Is your Ponyta okay?"

Isabelle had to smile and roll her eyes at the same time. "Yes, she's fine, and so am I. Thank you for asking."

"Good. Now, I wanted to ask whether you're still in Vermillion."

"Nearby, yes."

"Excellent. Can you meet me at the centre at the water, east of Vermillion?"


"Right now?"

"For goodness sake, Wendy," Isabelle told her, sitting up. "What did you promise them?"

"I only promised that I'd help! But it's so much and ... I can't do it alone."

Giving a deep sigh, Isabelle ran a hand through her messy hair. "Fine."

"You're the best, Isa. Then you can finally meet my newest Pokémon."

"And you can meet mine. That horse you scared."

"Oh, I'm sure she'll like me."

"So am I. All Pokémon seem to do."

"What can I say? I love Pokémon."

"So do I! Just not all of them love me."

"Will I see you soon?"

"You'll see me soon, Wen. Don't worry."

Hanging up, Isabelle finally got off the ground and stroked Ponyta's nose. "Ready to give it another go?"

Ponyta nickered and so Isabelle mounted her again, this time with less confidence than before. Falling had hurt, and her clothing was covered in grass stains now.

Walking briskly, they headed over to the centre Wendy had spoken about. Having been told to learn the locations of all centres, Isabelle knew which one her sandy-haired friend had meant.

The ocean was visible from here, but there was not a lot of time for Isabelle to admire it, because Ponyta still didn't like water. However, with a little nudge, Izzy managed to get her to walk over the bridge towards the centre. Wendy was waiting for her in front of the door, who rushed towards Ponyta.

"Be careful! She'll burn you!" Isabelle said as she dismounted.

"Nah. You wouldn't burn me, would you, Ponyta?" The traitorous horse neighed, nuzzling her head affectionately against Wendy's hands. "You're so gorgeous, Ponyta. Is this what all that research had been about, Isa?"

Isabelle nodded, crossly, as she folded her arms. The Fire Horse was an entirely different creature around Wendy, all playful like a foal. Sometimes, she really envied this gift her sandy-haired friend had.

Something tapped against her calf. Looking down, Isabelle saw a duck with a leek.


"This one yours, Wen?"

"Hmhm." She seemed entirely too busy playing with Izzy's Ponyta to listen or answer a lot.

"Hey there, Farfetch'd. Nice to meet you. I hope you're kind to Wiggles, or what was it you called your other Pokémon?"


"Wiggly the Wigglytuff. Should have known."

After thorough introductions, Ponyta was summoned back to her ball, since she was unable to relax knowing the Pokémon centre was so near the ocean. For the rest of the day, Isabelle was doing administrative work for the centre, which was the task Wendy agreed to do. Whenever Izzy took a tiny breather, Farfetch'd would come up to her and hit her shins and calves with his leek until she started working again.

"Remember the Growlithe murder I told you about?" Isabelle started.


"The guy's been caught with another box. He's been sent to jail and his Arcanine have been confiscated from him. Jenny texted me this morning, inviting me for a drink whenever I'm nearby again."

"Good. What will happen to the Arcanine and the Growlithe puppies?"

"Put up for adoption, probably? I'm not sure whether they're able to return to the wild. Maybe the police force will take them. They seem quite fond of the Growlithe line." A loud smack was heard and Isabelle groaned, bending forward to grasp her aching calf. "Go away, Farfetch'd! Leave me alone!" She snapped at the duck.

Nurse Isabelle and the Kanto Pokédex: the Diary of a Travelling NurseWhere stories live. Discover now