#126 Magmar

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Magmar, the Spitfire Pokémon. Magmar's body temperature is nearly 2,200 °F (1,200 °C). Extremely well trained Magmar can have the ability to block Electric-type attacks with super-heated air. Because it hates cold places, this Pokémon typically resides in and around active volcanoes. This Pokémon has even been known to alter unfavourably cold surroundings by spitting scorching flames about to warm up the area and establish an environment more suitable to it.

Magmar is able to heal its wounds by dipping its wound into lava. In battle, it blows out intense flames from all over its body as to intimidate its foes and incinerate its surroundings. However, an outmatched Magmar will quickly retreat, using its fiery camouflage and its wavering, rippling glare to blend into any present fires.

Nurse Isabelle realised she could not run away from her problems forever. In the past visits to Cinnabar Island, things had not run smoothly between her and the Gym Leader Blaine; he had asked her to stay with him forever and also compared her to his deceased wife. It had unsettled her a little, so she had hurriedly left and neglected her duties. So, one morning, she stood on his doorstep, holding her Ponyta by the reins.

Blaine opened the door and seemed genuinely surprised to see her, for the slightly frustrated look he'd been wearing left quickly. He'd most likely been expecting more trainers who'd like to challenge his gym.

"Could I let Ponyta run with your Rapidash, please?" Isabelle said as a form of hello. Blaine nodded and gestured for her to follow him to the pastures around the volcano. Lady, his Rapidash, left the herd to trot elegantly up to the gate, tossing her magnificent mane at the sight of the young, shy Ponyta. As Blaine opened the gate, Izzy pulled Ponyta's halter off and let her go in. Like a mother reunited with her foal, Rapidash rubbed her snout against Ponyta's and together they ran off.

"She was my wife's, you know? Lady, I mean," Blaine said, leaning against the fence. He always seemed more talkative here. "She just rode up this slope one morning, riding that big Rapidash of hers. Her hair waving in the wind, just like Rapidash's mane. You saw how Lady likes to flick her mane? Well, her trainer was just like that, as well." He sighed.

"I never quite knew for sure why she was here. Sure, her Rapidash loves this island. I already had some Ponyta, and Lady took the herd over without any problem. Every day, the herd listened less to me and more to Lady." He grinned and shook his head. "My apprentices were no better. Laila had this confidence about her and had everyone wrapped around her delicate fingers. She was a magnificent Fire-type trainer. She and her Rapidash were nearly undefeatable. I fell for her, hard."

"How did she die?" Isabelle asked carefully, wishing she could have met this Laila. If she was anything like Lady was to her Ponyta, Izzy would have loved her.

"A cold. Or pneumonia. I don't know. She was coughing a little but pretended nothing was wrong, until she did not get up from bed one morning. Stupid, stubborn woman. I should have seen the signs something was wrong!" He slammed his fist down on the fence and then sighed. "Come on, little nurse. I want to show you something you might find interesting."

They headed into the volcano. The air was getting warmer and thicker with every step they took down. Just as Izzy was about to say she could not take it any longer, they arrived at a massive battle field, one of many Blaine owned. In the middle of the battlefield, a Magmar sat. They were truly amazing creatures and very hard to fight because of their strength. As far as Fire-types went, this one was one of the best to fight battles with, in Izzy's opinion. It made sense Blaine had one residing in his volcano.

The Magmar was a bit beat up. He had cuts over his body and a huge gash on his thigh. Isabelle could not approach it to help it, though. His body temperature was much too high. Besides, Blaine held her back.

"Watch this. Magmar, you may," he called out. Magmar nodded and dropped himself into the lava, causing Izzy to gasp slightly in worry before realising Magmar's body was mostly flame. When he came out, the wounds were mending, as if the lava restored his body. Amazed, Isabelle watched as the gash on his thigh slowly closed, which was a bit gory yet utterly fascinating.

"Astounding creatures, aren't they, these Pokémon?" She asked Blaine, who smiled at her and nodded.

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