Chapter 2-Snobby people

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I walked along the halls, still on my phone until someone banged into me. I fell right into the floor. "Watch where you going!" I said, getting up. I looked at the person that banged into me. "Sorry! Are you okay? I'm so stupid!" The boy said. "I'm fine. You're not stupid but I need to get to my class. Bye." I said, walking to my math class. "Wait up! Are you going to Mr. Henshaws math class?" He asked. I nodded. "I'll come with you, seeing as that my class I'm supposed to be going to now." He said, walking with me. He seemed pretty sweet. I walked into math class and Mr. Henshaw said, "Ah! You must be our new student!" I smiled, a little hesitant. "There's a seat next to Jacob. Jacob, raise your hand so she can see you." The teacher said. Jacob raised his hand. It was that boy that banged into me earlier. Great! I went over and sat in my seat. The teacher talked some crap then the class was over. I'm pretty sure that Jacob stared at me the whole time...
I got up and headed to the door, to go to English. But someone grabbed my arm. Jacob. "What?" I asked. " me near the benches outside at first break. I want you to feel welcome." He said. "Okay." I said and went to my English class. Jacob wasn't in this class.
The class was over and it was time for first break. I walked outside and looked for the benches. I noticed Jacob sitting on the benches, so I went over to him. I sat next to him. "Hey." I said. "Hi. So far, how's your day been?" He asked. "Good. Yours?" I asked. "Crap, to be honest." Jacob sulked. "Why? What's wrong?" I asked. "Well, my snobby ex-girlfriend still likes me and she's trying to get me back. She tried to kiss me in English today." Jacob explained. "Oh. Why don't you tell her you don't like her then?" I suggested. "I have. Over and over again, but she just won't listen. She has this thing where she kinda gets people to like her. Forces people to like her." Jacob said. "Just...keep away from her. I'm not saying that in a mean way, but if you really dislike her so much, just avoid her for now." I said. "I'll try. But I doubt it'll work. She'll find me. She always does, in the end." Jacob said. "Oh! She's coming!" Jacob exclaimed. He kinda made me jump. "Hey, boyfriend!" The girl said, in a snobby tone. "What you doing with that slut?" She asked him. "Oh, I'm a slut now?" I yelled. "Rebecca! I'm with her because...because...she's my girlfriend. Yeah!" Jacob yelled, out of the blue. What? I looked at Jacob confused. He kinda made a face as if to say, just roll with it. The girl gasped. "I'd never know you'd be with a slut, like her." She said. "Well, I am. I went out with you so..." Jacob said, holding my hand. It felt a little awkward. "You're calling me a slut?!" She asked, annoyingly. "Maybe I am." Jacob said, getting up and pulling me behind him. We both walked away. "Jacob? Why did you say I was your girlfriend?" I asked.

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