Chapter 18-Fans

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"See you in a bit, mom." Jacob said, as we walked down the corridor to our rooms. "Yeah, see you later." I said. "Bye. Have fun and don't get into trouble." She told us. "Okay, okay." Jacob said. "Yep. You know us, we won't get into any trouble." I said. "I've got all my trust on you two, okay?" She said, opening her door. "Yep. See you later." Jacob said, opening ours. "See you later!" I said, and went into our room. "It's big, isn't it?" I said. "Yeah. It's quite big. But that's a good thing." Jacob said. "Why?" I asked. "Because I get more room to chill with you." Jacob said. "Awh! You're so cute." I said, hugging him. "Right, we need to unpack and then we can get to the venue." Jacob said. "Okay." I said, unzipping my suitcase. Jacob unzipped his and we started to unpack. It only took us about 15-20 minutes to do it.
"Phew! That's such hard work!" Jacob said, flopping onto the bed. "Really, babe?" I asked. "Nah, I'm just kidding." Jacob said, getting up. "Right, lemme text Bart." Jacob said. "Okay. I'm just gonna re-do my makeup." I said, going over the the dresser, where I put my makeup. I re-applied my mascara and lipstick and I was done. I don't usually put loads of makeup on. "Bart told us to go to Baltimore Arena Centre." Jacob said. "Yep. Let's go." I said, grabbing my coat and bag. Jacob grabbed the keys and followed me out. We got out of the room and Jacob locked the door. "Right, let's go to the arena now." Jacob said, putting his arm around my waist as we walked. That was cute. As we were halfway to the arena, we saw some of Jacob's fans. The girls ran up to us and one little girl, about 5 or 6 cried and fell over. While Jacob was handling the other girl, I went over to the little girl on the floor, crying. "Hey. Are you okay?" I asked, in a calm voice and helping her up. She nodded and wiped the tears away. "Are you going to magcon?" I asked, in a sweet voice. "Yes." She answered. "Are you excited?" I asked. "I can't wait." She said. "Awh!" I said, and hugged her. "Are you Jacob's mom?" She asked. I giggled. "No, no, honey. I'm Jacob's girlfriend." I said. "Oh!" She said, in a squeaky voice and she hugged me. "See you later, yeah?" I said. She nodded and walked away with her mom and dad. Jacob had finished with the other girls by now. "She was so cute." I said. "I heard her." Jacob said. "But so are you." He said, kissing my forehead. "Silly pickup lines!" I joked. Jacob stared at me. "Nah, I'm just kidding. They're great." I giggled. Jacob put his arm around my waist again and we started walking towards the arena. It's gonna be hype!

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