Chapter 70-Leaving

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They chased me all the way to the park and I saw Brad sitting on one of the swings. "Brad!" I cried. "Emma? Are you okay? What's the matter?" He asked, concerned. Duncan and Jacob caught up and they both started talking at once. "Aye, aye, aye. Back it up. Let me talk to my sister." Brad said. "Emma. Tell me what's wrong." He told me. "J-Jacob kissed another girl..." I said, sobbing. Brad looked mad and slowly turned to face Jacob. " my sister?!" Brad asked, angrily.  "This girl at my school kissed me! I swear I didn't do it!" Jacob exclaimed. "Oh. Another excuse story!" I said, as I ran off again. I ran far enough that they couldn't see me anymore. I ran as fast as I could back home and I barged through the door. I shut the door behind me and locked it. I shot up the stairs and grabbed my huge bag out of my closet. I took some clothes out of there, shoes and anything else I needed. I took a piece of paper from my draw and wrote on it.
Duncan, Brad, Jacob and Trinity,
I've left you because I can't handle all this fighting, drama, arguing. I just can't do it. And that's why I'm leaving you. By the time you've got this, I'll probably be far away where you won't be able to find me. Don't bother looking for me. If I die, at least I'll be with mom and dad. Love you all dearly, Emma ❤️
I took all my things downstairs including the note and I placed the note on the table so they'd be able to see it. I put on my coat and took my phone and some money. I started to walk out of the door. I stepped out of the door and shut it behind me. I walked down the street, towards the bridge. I crossed it and found myself in the forest. Nobody really goes in here. So it should be a good place to camp out. I found a nice spot with leaves on the ground and placed my sleeping bag on top, then a few layers of blankets. I sat on top of that for now and went on my phone. I had loads of texts from Jacob, Duncan and Brad. They probably saw the note.
Jacob: Bby. Listen. Please come back. I don't know what I'd do without you. I need you in my life. Without you I'm nothing. Please! ❤️❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭😭
Jacob: Babe. Please. I want you to be right here next to me now. Come home.
Jacob: I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I understand if you think I'm a player, I get that a lot. And I am. But not when I'm with you. That Kali girl kissed me. I did not kiss her. Even ask Matt. Matt was there. Xxxx
Jacob: Please. I need you.

Duncan: Emma. Where are you? Don't run away. I only just started to be your brother again. Come back. I want you to be safe and sound here. Xxx
Duncan: Emma. Are you okay? Come back. Please.
Duncan: We won't fight or argue or make any more drama. We promise. Please. Just come back.
Duncan: Em. Please come back! We need you here. I need you here. Trinity needs you here. X
Duncan: PLEASE!

Brad: Emma. You need to come back. You've got a bright future ahead of you. I can already tell. You're a bright girl as well. Be at home with your family. No more fighting. No more drama and no more arguing. I promise. We all promise. Please, just come back. ❤️
Brad was always the most mature one, even though Duncan is 20 and Brad's 16. Those messages don't convince me to come back. I won't be coming home for a long time...

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