Chapter 21-Fallen

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I noticed Hunter was acting weird, when I was kissing Jacob. I can understand if it's awkward for him to watch but it isn't that. It's something else. Jacob got up, so I did aswell and we joined to rest of them. Bart came in and said, "Show time, lads! Oh and has any of you seen Jacob and Emma?" They all pointed at me and Jacob. "Hey! How you doing? Emma follow me and I'll show you where to go. The rest of you know where to go." He said and I quickly kissed Jacob on the cheek and followed Bart. "Okay, I'm going to put you in with the boys. Basically like crew's hard to explain. Let me take you there first." Bart said, walking into a huge room. "You wanna be in Jacob's section, yeah?" He asked. "Please." I said. "This is Jacob's spot and this is where you'll be. The meet and greet is going to start in 30 minutes, don't worry. The fans we invite or let's say, give tickets to, are really nice." Bart said. "Okay, thanks." I said, as the rest of them walked in. Jacob ran into my arms and it made me jump. I didn't know he was going to do that. "What's wrong, babe?" I asked. "I missed you!" He whined. "I left you for about 2 minutes." I said. "I know, but I missed you!" He moaned. I giggled. "I missed you too." I said, pushing him off be otherwise I was going to fall. I saw Hunter sat in a chair, all by himself. He looked stressed. "Jacob? I'm just gonna talk to Hunter, okay?" I warned. He nodded and started to dance, or some random reason. Brandon joined him. I laughed. I walked over to Hunter and said, "Hunter?" He looked at me. "What's up?" I asked. "Oh nothing." He said, happily. But he was trying to cover something up. I raised my eyebrows. "Fine. I like you, okay?" Hunter said. "W-what?" I asked, confused and shocked. "I like you, Emma. I want you to be mine. Ever since I met you, I thought you were beautiful. I-" Hunter said but Cam came over. "Emma. Look over there." He said, pointing to a little girl. I knew her. She was the girl I saw on the way here earlier. I waved and smiled at her. She waved back. She was so cute. "Awh! She's so cute!" I said. "Sorry, Hunter. I can't deal with this sort of love triangle right now." I said, after Cameron had walked away and I went over to the little girl to have a chat with her.

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