Chapter 64-Introducing

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I calmed down and I went downstairs with Brad. I saw Duncan sat on the couch with Trinity. I stopped dead in my tracks and I felt someone push me. "Go. Go on." Brad said. I walked over to Duncan and Trinity and sat down next to him. "A-are you actually" I asked, timidly. "Yes. I am, Emma. My full name is Duncan Briddon Carore. The same middle name and last name as you and the rest of you." Duncan explained. I smiled. I guess I was happy that he was my brother, another addition to the family. Wait. Mom and Dad. I started to burst into tears. "Hey, hey, hey! What's the matter?" Duncan asked, giving me a warm hug. "M-mom and d-dad..." I cried, softly. "Don't worry, Em. They're safe up in heaven now, looking down on you. Think of what they'd want you to do. They're not gonna be here right where YOU are...but they're always gonna be in your heart." Duncan said. I felt LOADS better after that. "Thanks, Duncan. I feel loads better." I thanked, hugging him. "Awh! You're so cute!" He exclaimed. "No. I'm not cute. I'm turning 14 soon." I said, seriously. He stared at me, grinning. I started to laugh. Trin started to laugh too. Then Brad and then Duncan. "So...I need to learn about you. Seeing as you're my brother." I said. "Yes, you do. Shoot some questions at me." Duncan said. Trinity and Brad went to the grocery store so me and Duncan had the house to ourselves for a bit.
Me: Okay, how old are you?
Duncan: 20.
Me: When's your birthday?
Duncan: 23 of August.
Me: How do you know I even exist if you ran away before I was even born?
Duncan: Mom and dad. They called me straight away when you were born and then thy called me when Trin was born. You wouldn't remember. You were too young.
"Enough of that. Do you like me? As in a sister way. Are you glad that I'm your sister?" I asked. "What?! Of course I like you! I love you! I'm SO happy that I have you as a sister! What you on about?" Duncan asked. I giggled. "Wanna go to the mall? I'll treat you to anything and how much you wanna buy there." Duncan offered. "Oh, thanks! C'mon. Let's go." I said and grabbed my bag and coat. Duncan followed on behind me. I saw a white Lamborghini on the drive and I asked, "Who's car is that?" "Mine." Duncan replied. "What?!" I exclaimed, as my eyes widened. "Yup. Let's just say I got a bit of money on when I went away." Duncan winked. I giggled. I got in the passengers seat and Duncan got in the drivers seat. Me and him talked as we drove and I now know quite a lot about my brother now. I think he does too. We got to the mall and I got out. We were walking into the entrance, when I saw Jacob. He noticed me and ran over. "Are you cheating on me?!" He exclaimed. "What the hell? No. This is my brother, Duncan. This is my boyfriend, Jacob." I said. "Oh. Sorry. Hey." Jacob said. "Hi. Got yourself a boyfriend while I was away too? How much have I missed?" Duncan asked. I giggled. "I'm just gonna hop into American Eagle to get some clothes. I won't be a second." Duncan said, walking towards the shop. "Okay. I'll wait here for you." I said. "Is he actually your brother? Where'd he come from?" Jacob asked, confused. "Apparently, he ran away before I was even born and he just came back...because and dad." I explained, tearing up because of mom and dad. I just wanted my parents back. That's all I want.

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