Chapter 53-Unknown

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"Jacob Christopher Sartorius!" His mom yelled. He came down straight after. "Yeah? Emma, I was waiting for you." Jacob said. "Jacob!" His mom snapped. Jacob snapped his head in her direction. "Why did you not tell me?" She asked. "Tell you what?" Jacob asked, confused. "Don't pretend that you don't know. Someone's out to kill you...aren't they?" She asked, tearing up. Jacob nodded slowly. "Oh, darling!" She cried and pulled him into a massive hug. It made me cry. Watching them hug and cry together...breaks my heart. "How did you get yourself into this mess, huh?" She asked, sadly. "I-I don't know...I-It just appeared. Oh, mom! I don't want to be in this drama!" Jacob cried. I gasped and covered my mouth. This melted my heart..."Oh, babe!" I said and hugged him. He cried in my shoulder. "Don't cry. We're ALL here for you." I comforted. "Thanks..." Jacob said, sniffling. "Jacob. Have you told the police?" His mom asked. "No. But I think Cam did." Jacob replied. "Okay. You need to be extremely careful, Jacob. Plus, Emma. You need to too." She said, pointing her finger at us. We both nodded. "C'mon, Jacob. I need sleep." I said, walking upstairs. Jacob followed me up. I snuggled into bed and Jacob got in afterwards. I cuddled with Jacob and laid on his chest. "Netflix?" Jacob asked, smirking. "Sure. Why not?" I replied, smiling. Jacob turned his laptop on and asked, "What you wanna watch, baby?" I reached my hand out and tapped, Expelled. Cam was in it so I decided to watch it. "Yo! You have no idea how much I love this movie!" Jacob stated. "Oh, yeah? As much as me?" I asked, smirking. "No. Of course not. You're my girlfriend. How could I ever love someone as much as I love you?" Jacob asked, kissing my forehead. "I love you." I said, smiling. "Love you too." Jacob said, giving me his smile. Just then, I got a text.
UNKNOWN: Okay, okay. You have won. But only for now. Treat him well. Keep him smiling until I reach him. Referring to your boyfriend here. Xx
I gasped and started to breath heavy. (I have anxiety and I panic easily.) "Baby girl? What's wrong?" Jacob asked, trying to calm me down. I jumped off the bed and started to sweat. I dropped my phone and wafted my hands in my face. I was still breathing heavily. I was gasping for air. "Babe. Emma! Calm down. Tell me what's happened." Jacob said, jumping off the bed and hugging me, trying to calm me down. It wasn't working. I needed him to know now...but right now. The state I am...I don't know how I'm gonna explain. "Phone...." I gasped and crying a little. But you couldn't see because of my sweat. Jacob picked up my phone and read the message. "I kinda have a feeling who this might be..." Jacob stated.

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