Chapter 67-What have I done?!

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We reached school and me and Jacob walked in, holding hands. "Hey, guys. Look at you two!" Loren said, walking with us. "Oh, haha!" I said, sarcastically. "Right. I'll see you at break. Love you, babe." Jacob said, giving me a quick peck on the lips so no one will notice. "Yeah. See you later, boo." I smiled and hugged him. We both parted and I went to English.
Kali was in this class and she sits in front of me. She passed me a note. I opened it up and it read:
Hi. Meet me at the lockers outside near the gates, at break.
She turned around and smiled. "What?" I mouthed. She nodded at the note I was holding. I rolled my eyes and she turned around to face the front. English class finished and I headed to math. Luckily, Matt was in this class. And luckily, Kali wasn't. "Matt. Kali told me to meet her outside at break." I told him. "What? Are you going to meet her?" Matt asked. "Well, yeah. I couldn't just ditch her. I don't ditch people." I replied. "Okay. By yourself?" He said. "No. You can come if you want. Emma doesn't need to know about this, okay?" I told him. "Yeah. Okay." Matt said.
Math finished and I started to walk out with Matt. "C'mon. Let's go outside quick, before Emma worries." I said, walking fast. Me and Matt hurried to the lockers outside and as we got closer, we noticed Kali standing there. We reached her and she said, "Hey. Umm...I need to ask you something." "Okay..." I replied. "Umm...would you mind if I was your girlfriend, instead of that bi*ch?" He asked. What the hell?! Why does she wanna be my girlfriend? And nobody calls my girlfriend that! "No. And nobody calls MY girlfriend that!" I stuttered. All of a sudden, she kissed me! I tried to push her off but she kept her lips on mine. "What the hell?!" I heard. Emma! I pushed her right off and looked at Emma. She looked hurt. She had loads of tears in her eyes. Some down her face. "Emma. Listen!" I said. She ran. She ran from me. "Look at what you did. You little-You are a stupid, little idiot who only cares about herself!" I exclaimed and I kicked her bag, which was on the floor and I tried to run after Emma. I couldn't find her. Oh! What have I done!?

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