Chapter 35-Movie

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Me and Jacob got back to the hotel room and saw Loren and Lydia doing a crazy dance. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked. "Uhh...what's it look like?" Loren asked. "To me, it looks like y'all have gone crazy." I said, putting my hands in the air. Jacob laughed. "What you laughing at?" I asked, throwing a pillow at him. "Hey! I'm not laughing." Jacob said. "Then, what were you doing?" I asked. "Laughing..." Jacob mumbled. I laughed. "See y'all have made up, then?" Lydia asked. "Yeah. We're tight now. We've resolved our differences and that shiz." I said, hugging him. "I love you." Jacob said, kissing me. "I love you too." I said, kissing him. "Ohh! I'm not watching all this lovey dovey stuff! I'm leaving. Text me." Loren said. "See you in a bit. I'm not watching yous, either." Lydia said. "Bye." Me and Jacob both said, waving. They left and Jacob said, "Now, I've got you all to myself." I smiled. "Stop smiling! You're killing me!" Jacob groaned. I giggled. He pushed me onto the bed and got on top of me. He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back. I pulled out for a second and said, "You're a loser, you know that right?" I asked. "Shut up." Jacob mumbled and kissed me. It turned out to be a long make-out session. "Right, stop! My lips hurt and I need to do my school work." I said, getting up and going to my suitcase. "Noooo! Why?" Jacob asked, in a baby voice. "I need to do my school work. Oh! That reminds me! I need to phone my mom." I said, grabbing my phone. Jacob just flopped onto the bed and stared into the ceiling.
Mom: Hello, darling. How are you?
Me: Hi, mom. I'm good. You?
Mom: I'm fine. Your sister is driving me up the walls.
Me: Don't you think she drives me up the walls everyday I'm at home?
Mom: Yes, but seriously! How do you-
I heard Trinity in the background, yelling. "I WANT ICE CREAM!" I laughed.
Me: Good luck with her mom. Love you.
Mom: Right, bye. Ha- Trinity, stop shouting! Love you, have a nice time! Trini-
And she hung up. I love being away from my siblings. They're just so annoying. "What shall we do?" Jacob asked, rolling around on the bed. "Movie?" I asked. "Yassss!" Jacob exclaimed, running over to the DVD stand. I got my phone and laid on the bed. Jacob found a movie and put it on. "What is it?" I asked. "The exorcist." Jacob said, smiling. "Yo! That's an amazing movie!" I exclaimed. "I know. But not as amazing as you." Jacob winked. "Thanks, boo." I said, smiling. The movie started and Jacob laid next to me. I laid on his chest, while he played with my hair. Just then, Mark came rushing in. "I LOVE YOU, EMMA!" What the hell?!

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