Chapter 61-Another piece of my heart was gone

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We reached Jacob's house and we all flopped onto the couch. "Movie and chill?" Jacob asked, looking at me and Loren. "Yeah." We both said. Jacob went over to choose a movie, when my phone rang. My mom.
Me: Hello.
Mom: Hey, darling. Where are you?
Me: At Jacob's. Why?
Mom: Because I need you to be at home with the family today. You've been hanging around with that boy for far too long.
Me: What?! He's my boyfriend. Of course I spend an awful lot of time with him!
Mom: Yes, but you need to spend an awful lot of time with your family too.
Me: What do you mean?! I do. Maybe not all the time but I'm not a child anymore, mom! I've got my own life.
Mom: Just come home and hang out with your family. Just today.
Me: No. I have already made plans with my friends and my BOYFRIEND.
Mom: Please.
Me: Mom. You bug me. You know that? You really annoy me.
Then I hung up. "What was that about, babe?" Jacob asked, sitting down next to me. Loren was on the otherside of me. "My mom. She really annoys me." I whined. My phone rang again. My dad.
Me: What do you want?
Dad: Can you come home? Your mother is in tears.
Me: Don't you start, dad!
Then I hung up. "Why do parents have to be so annoying?" I asked, to myself. The movie started and it was the movie that I got really scared in. Loren got really scared in this too. Jacob didn't. (Don't know any movies) There was a part which really scared me, and I hid in Jacob's chest. "It's okay, boo. You'll be fine. I'm here." Jacob comforted, hugging me. Loren was hiding in my back. "Loren, it's fine." I said. The movie finished and me, Jacob and Loren were playing truth or dare. Just then, my phone rang. Unknown? "Who is it?" Loren asked. "Unknown." I replied. "Here let me answer it." Jacob said, taking the phone. "Hello?" Jacob said. The person on the other line spoke but I couldn't understand what they said. Jacobs eyes went all watery. "Jacob, what is it?" I asked, confused. I looked at Loren and she looked confused too. "O-okay...I-I'll pass it on." Jacob said, tearing up. He hung up. "'re scaring me. What is it?" I asked. "Y-Your parents..." Jacob stuttered. "What about them?" I asked. "T-They...." Jacob sighed. He was crying? "Jacob. Just tell us." Loren demanded. "They...died." Jacob revealed. "Sorry...w-what?" I asked, confused and tearing up. "They died...I'm so so sorry!" Jacob exclaimed, pulling me into a hug. I cried into his shoulder. I've never cried so hard ever before. I felt like I was guilty for why they died. I felt like another piece of my heart went away. Just disappeared. "Why?! Why did they have to die?!" I yelled, through my tears. My parents died after I was being horrible to them. The last thing I said to my mom was, "Mom. You bug me. You know that? You really annoy me." The last thing I said to my dad was, "Don't you start, dad!" Why was I being so horrible to them? All they were doing was caring for me and what I repayed them with was me being horrible. All they wanted was for me to be with them....

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