Chapter 12-Make it a thing

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I sat there for 5 whole minutes, listening to Trinity go on and on about Jacob being my boyfriend and us kissing. I finally had enough. And I think Jacob did to. "Look!" I shouted, banging my hand on the table. "Emma Briddon Carore!" My mom yelled. "What?! I'm not sitting here and listening to Trinity's stupid stories!" I yelled. "She's only playing." My dad said. "She's only playing? Really? She's 11 years old and she acts like a flipping 5 year old!" I shouted, getting up. "Come on, Jacob. I'm not listening to this crap." I said, Jacob got up and followed me. I went outside and so did Jacob. "Shall we just make it a thing?" I asked. Jacob looked at me for a second and got down on one knee. "You don't have to do that." I said. "Get up." I told him. "No. I wanna do it properly. Emma Briddon Carore, will you make me the happiest boy on the earth and be my girlfriend?" Jacob asked. He was so sweet. "No." I said, walking away. But then, I turned around and smiled. "Course I will." I said, jumping into his arms. "I love you more than anyone on this earth right now, you know?" Jacob asked. "Yeah. I love you more than you love me." I said, kissing him. "I'm actually really happy that your mine now." Jacob said. "Me too, babe." I said. "Let's go to my place." Jacob said, picking me up. Jacob walked down the porch with me on his back and he nearly tripped. "I swear, if you fall over and end up on the floor..." I said, hugging him tight. He laughed and pretended to trip. I screamed. Some people down the street stared at us, like, wtf are they doing. Jacob carried me all the way to his house and he put me down on the couch. "Pheww! You're heavy!" Jacob said, sarcastically. I raised my eyebrows at him and he laughed. "Nah, I'm just kidding. You're perfect." Jacob said, stroking my hair. Just then I remembered I just ditched my family. I'm not going back there...

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