Chapter 3-Friends

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Jacob stuttered for a few seconds and said, "Uhh, I don't know. I understand if it made anything awkward because...yeah. Sorry." Jacob apologised. His face went bright red. "No, no. You're good. Anyways, which class have you got after this?" I asked. "Umm...I think I've got science. You?" Jacob asked, while we both walked. "Same!" I said. Jacob smiled. It kinda made me blush when he smiled but I don't understand why.
The bell went and me and Jacob headed to science. We went into the class and we sat next to each other. "Psst!" Jacob whispered. I looked over to him. He handed me a note. I opened it and it said:
Meet me at your locker at lunch. Got some people I want u to meet. :)
I smiled and nodded at Jacob.
The class had finished and Jacob went out fast. He just kind of ditched me. I went to my locker to meet Jacob and he came a few minutes after, with a group of people around him. "Emma!" Jacob said. "Hey." I said. "I want you too meet, Mark and his girlfriend Kali. Loren, Monica, Daniel, and Hayley." Jacob said. I heard them all say hi. "Hey." I said. "Come on, let's go to lunch." Jacob said. "So, you new?" A girl asked me. I think it was Hayley. "Yeah. You're Hayley, right?" I asked. "Yeah. I love your hair, by the way!" She said, running her fingers through my hair. "Thanks! I love yours too." I said. "What are you two, gossiping about?" Jacob came over and asked. "Oh, she said she liked my hair and-" I said, but she cut me off. "No, LOVED her hair. Don't you just love her hair, Jacob?" Hayley asked. "Yeah. I do." Jacob said, staring at me. I kinda felt a little awkward now. I soon calmed down though. The other girls came over to me and Loren said, "Jacob is single, if you want to know." I found that a bit weird. "Sorry. I just ship you two SO much!" She said. "Thanks, but I don't see us together..." I said. "I do, though. Jacob's been single for most of his life. He's never really found the right girl for him, you know?" Monica said. "Okay. Yeah, I can totally see that." I said, laughing. The other girls laughed with me. "Stop laughing!" Mark said, nudging Kali so she fell into Monica, she fell into me and I fell into Loren and Loren fell into Hayley. We all fell onto the floor. "Mark!" Kali yelled, getting up and hitting him on the arm. "Sorry! I didn't mean for THAT to happen." Mark said. Jacob came over and gave me his hand. I grabbed it and he pulled me up. He didn't bother helping the others up though...

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