Chapter 63-Long lost brother

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The boys came back in and Brad said, "Girls. I have something I have to confess to you. I know! It's not a great time now, but this boy here...insists." I was really confused and upset. I couldn't think straight. I wasn't even listening to what Brad was saying. My heart actually ached. So much. "I'm Duncan. Listen, I ran away from home when I was 14....and I never came back. I went to live with a mate. Then you were born, Emma. Then you, Trinity. It's not a great time but...I'm your big brother." Duncan confessed. What?! Why did he come to tell us his now?! Straight after mom and dad died! I ran up to my room and slammed my door. I took my phone out of my pocket and straight away rang Jacob.
Me: Jacob, Jacob! Please! C-Come quick. Climb through my window of my balcony. Quick! I need you...
Jacob: Okay, okay! I'm coming right now. Are you okay? Are you hurt?
Me: J-Just please...come quickly.
Jacob: 2 minutes, okay? 2 minutes.
And he hung up. I was sat on my floor, in a tight ball and crying. Crying because of the regrets I regret, crying because of my parents passing away and crying because of my long lost brother. Someone knocked on my door. "What!" I yelled. "It's me." Brad said, opening the door. "Awh. Sis." He whined and hugged me. "Why does my life have to be so messed up?" I asked, crying. "Why is everyone dying out on me? I can't afford to lose anyone else!" I exclaimed. I was broken. No words could describe how upset I was. I was EXTREMELY sad. "Your life isn't messed up. And nobody else is going to leave you. Get that?" Brad asked. "They will. I lost my best friend, Brad. My best friend. And now, I've lost my ONLY parents. ONLY parents." I cried, softly. Just then, I realised I was wheezing. I couldn't breathe. "Emma? Emma! Just breath. Breath slowly. Slow!" Brad exclaimed, rubbing my back. I took a deep breath and I was fine after a couple seconds. "You won't leave me, will you?" I asked. "No. Of course not. You're my sister. I'm not gonna leave you anytime soon. Once I know that you're safe, then I'm gone. But remember, no forever. You know I'm not into goodbyes. So no goodbyes anytime soon either." Brad explained.

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