Chapter 78-Look behind you

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The movie had finished and Loren, Mark and Jacob ended up sleeping. I got off of Jacob, carefully, so I wouldn't wake him and grabbed my phone from the table. I went onto a couple social medias and replied to some of my dm's, until Loren woke up. "What you doing up so early?" She asked, tiredly. "It's half 11. At night." I replied. "What?! What time did I go to sleep at?" She asked, quietly, trying not to wake the boys. "Don't know. Probably in the middle of the movie." I said. "I've got an idea." Loren said. "What?" I asked, switching my phone off. "Why don't we get the whipped cream from the fridge and spray it all over the boys?" Loren asked, quietly trying so hard not to wake them. "Oh, yeah!" I replied. We crept over to the fridge but halfway there, I stood on Jacob's jacket's zip. "Ohh! Fu-. That hurt SO bad!" I yelled/whispered. Loren giggled, quietly. "It's so not funny!" I said. Loren grabbed the bottle from the fridge and I grabbed the other. "I'll do Mark, you do Jacob." Loren whispered. I nodded and smirked. I held the bottle in place, near Jacob's face and Loren did the same, near Mark's. "Ready?" I asked. Loren nodded. "3...2...1!" We both yelled and we sprayed it all over their faces. "Oi! Get off! What the hell?!" We heard from them. We both laughed SO hard. Just then, someone snatched it off me and Loren. We looked at each other and shouted, "RUN!" And we both shot up the stairs. We heard he boys' loud footsteps, running after us. Me and Loren were dead. We ended up in the end of a corridor in my house. "We're dead." We both said. The boys were sniggering and getting their whipped cream ready. "Loren! In here!" I yelled, barging through the cellar door. Loren followed me and shut the door and put the lock on. "Phew! That was close!" I puffed. "I know!" Loren panted, out of breath. Just then, Loren stopped smiling and panting. "Emma..." She said, lifting her hand up. "L-look behind you..." She said, pointing at something behind me. I was petrified.
Comment and the best one gets to be included. And thank you SO much for the love on 'Chosen One.' I can't believe it's gotten to 16K! Please show as much love on this book and the sequel will be coming out soon. ❤️

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