Chapter 79-Never forget that

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I slowly turned around on the stop and my eyes followed. Sweating from head to toe. I could feel my body shaking. I saw...Charlotte. Holding a knife. "No! No, no, no!" I yelled, as I ran to the door and banged on it. Loren unlocked it and I tried to push it open, but it wouldn't budge. "Jacob! Jacob!" I shouted, desperately and scared. "Mark! Mark!" Loren screamed, petrified for her life. "What you two yelling about? We're taking showers now. And you can stay down there." We heard Mark say. "No! C-Charlotte! She's here! W-with a knife! Help! Right here!" I stammered, looking back at her. She was sitting in the corner, holding the sharp knife. Her make-up was everywhere. Her hair was a mess. She looked really scary. She wasn't moving a muscle. "Oh, really?" Mark asked. "YES! OPEN THE GOD DAMN THING! PLEASE!" Loren yelled, starting to cry. "Please..." I whispered, knowing that we're gonna die. I was bursting into tears. Charlotte started to move. "MARK! JACOB!" We yelled, banging on the door, crying our eyes out. "Emma? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Mark, get out of the way!" We heard Jacob say. Jacob unlocked the door and let us out. I ran out and ran into his arms. "J-Jacob!" I cried, with relief. "Charlotte!" Jacob exclaimed. He pushed her down the steps of the cellar and locked the door. He started at me. "Oh my god! Are you okay? Baby girl, I'm so sorry for locking you in there!" He cried. "No, no. Don't cry. I'm fine. See..." I said, wiping the tears away. "No. You're not. You're shaking. With fear, right?" Mark asked, cuddling Loren, who was crying into his chest. I nodded, and I started to cry. "Oh, babe!" Jacob exclaimed, hugging me tight. "We need to call the cops, bro." Mark told Jacob. The boys called the police, while me and Loren sat on the couch, hugging with fear of what we just witnessed. It was one of the  most scariest moments of my life. I will never forget that.

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