Chapter 41-That's not good

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I ran outside of the hotel and got my phone out. I scrolled through my contacts and found Hunter. Hunter was always there for me, so I wanted to see him.
Hunter: What's up, girl!
Me: H-Hunter?
Hunter: Are you okay, Emma?
Me: I-I just need to see you, Hunter. Meet me at the park entrance now.
Hunter: Be right there, beautiful.
And he hung up. Hunter was so sweet. I put my phone away and started to walk to the park. I reached the park and saw Hunter leaning against the wall. "Hey." Hunter said, hugging me. "Hi." I said. "So, what's wrong?" Hunter asked. "You don't know?" I asked. I was referring to Mark. "Know what?" Hunter asked, confused. "About Mark..." I said, as my eyes started to water. "Yeah...I know. Loren told me..." Hunter explained, sadly. Hunter saw I was really upset by what happened and he hugged me. I started to cry into his shoulder. Really bad. I've never been so upset and sad in my life. Just the thought of not seeing Mark ever again, literally breaks my heart. I cried into Hunters shoulder for about 2 minutes but it seemed like hours. "Be strong. Mark wouldn't want you to be crying over him. He wants you to be strong for him. I want you to be strong." Hunter said, moving my hair out of my face. "I do. I want to be strong but I fix myself together then I just break apart again. I can't do it." I cried, as I looked to the ground. "Yes, you can." Hunter said, lifting my head up to look at him. "I believe in you." Hunter said and smiled. I smiled. He laughed. I laughed. "I have no idea why that made me laugh but it did." I stated. Hunter smiled. "Where's Jacob?" He asked. "Back in the hotel room with Loren." I answered. "With Loren?!" Hunter asked. "Yeah..." I said, confused. "Bro, that's not good." Hunter said.

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