Chapter 56-Back again

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I woke up, with my head on Jacob's shoulder. I stretched and yawned. I didn't know I made a noise. "Babe? Is that you?" Jacob asked, in his cute morning voice and stretching. "Yeah." I replied. "What time is it?" Jacob asked, sitting up. His hair was all messy and he looked really tired. I checked my phone and it read: 8:04am. "Crap! It's 4 minutes past 8! We need to get up." I exclaimed, jumping out of bed. I strolled into his bathroom and I looked into the mirror. I had mascara down my face and my lipstick was everywhere. I looked like a clown. I'm surprised none of it got on Jacob's bed. I wiped all my makeup off and applied mascara and lipstick on, as I had a pair here. I brushed my hair with Jacob's comb and tied it up into a high pony. I walked out and got out my clothes for school. "Jacob. Get up. We've got school." I demanded, giggling. Jacob had his arms spread out and his legs spread out in the middle of the bed. "Nooooo." Jacob said, stretching the word out. I took him by the hand and pulled him off the bed. He stood there staring at me. "Go." I said, pushing him towards the bathroom. I got changed into my clothes and Jacob came out all wet. "You didn't have time to have a shower!" I exclaimed, throwing him a towel. "What time is it?" Jacob asked, drying himself off. I checked my phone again and it read: 8:27am. "8:27. Get dried off! Quick!" I commanded. I headed downstairs with my phone, bag, school things and coat and put them all on the couch. I grabbed a breakfast bar and quickly ate that. Jacob came down soon after. He practically ran down the stairs so he nearly fell. "Be careful. Anyways, let's go. See you later, Mrs Sartorius!" I said, walking out of the door. "Bye, mom!" Jacob said and followed me out. "Bye, kids. Have a fun day!" His mom replied. I felt like Jacob's mom still feels like we're in grade 2. Me and Jacob ran to the bus stop, just in time so the bus wouldn't leave without us. I sat down in a seat and Jacob sat next to me. "I wanna be homeschooled! Like so bad!" I whined to Jacob. "Same. Imma ask my mom tonight. You gonna ask yours?" Jacob asked. "Yeah. But she'll probably say, oh! No, you can't, because you need to be at a proper school or some bullcrap." I laughed. Jacob laughed too. We stopped at another bus stop to pick another pupil was Loren. Loren came on and as she walked past me she asked, "Emma. I'm sorry, okay? Please forgive me. It was Jacob's fault, anyways." Loren pointed at Jacob. "What the hell?!" Jacob asked, confused and mad. "Yeah. It was all your fault. You pulled me into that kiss." Loren said. "Hey! Don't blame it all on my boyfriend. It wasn't ANY of his fault. It was YOUR fault. All of it. That's why we aren't friends anymore." I said, clearly. I think I made me point clear. She walked off and sat in a seat by herself. She normally sits with Lydia but she wasn't today. I wonder why. She probably snogged her boyfriends face off and they fell out. Before I knew it, we were at school. Me and Jacob got off, holding hands. We got off the bus and some kids in grade 8 laughed at us. Me and Jacob stared at them. "What you staring at, ding bats?" One of the boys asked, snobbishly. "Your ugly face!" I simply said and walked off. I heard some of his friends yell, "Oh! You just got roasted by a girl in a lower grade that you!" He deserved it, to be fair. I entered the school along with Jacob. "Well, here goes the start of today." I sighed to Jacob.

Journey-Jacob Sartorius fan-fictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang