Chapter 77-Movie

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We carried on running until I could hardly stand anymore. "Quick! In here." Jacob yelled/whispered. We hid behind a huge bush and we crouched down. I started giggling. "Shh." The boys said. I laughed even harder and I couldn't stop. Mark and Jacob put their hands on my mouth. I was still laughing. "Shh. He's right there." Mark whispered. I pushed their hands off my mouth and whispered, "Okay, okay. I'm done." We crouched there for about 5 minutes before he left. "Oh my god. That was..." Mark exclaimed. "Fun? Tense?" I asked. "Fun and tense." He replied. "Right. Movie night?" I asked. "Yeah!" They both said. "I'm asking Loren. Wait. Does Loren know you're alive?" I asked Mark. "I think so. I'm not sure. But, there's only one way to find out." Mark answered. I grabbed Jacob's hand and linked arms with Mark. We looked really weird but who cares what other people think? We reached my place and the boys just flopped onto the couch. "Lazy cows." I said. The boys laughed. I grabbed my phone out and called Loren.
Loren: Hi Em. What's up?
Me: Was thinking of a movie night tonight and a sleepover?
Loren: Sound. I'm coming over with my stuff now.
Me: Okay. See you in a bit.
Loren: See you!
"Loren's coming over." I told Mark and Jacob. "Cool." Jacob said. They were making a musically.
I need a one dance
I got a Hennessy in my hand
One more time before I go
Higher powers taking a hold on me.
They were so cute. Loren came bursting through the door. "You were quick." I said. "I live on your street?" She answered. Just then, she noticed Mark. She gasped and dropped all of her stuff on the floor. "Mark!" She yelled and jumped into his arms. "I missed you so much!" Loren exclaimed, crying. It was so cute. "I missed you more." Mark replied. "Oh my god! I can't believe you're actually back! You need to tell me what happened though." Loren said. "Okay..." Mark said and told her the story. "What stupid, idiotic people there are in this world. Are you okay, though?" Loren asked. "Yeah. I'm fine. A bit scary thinking back to it, though." Mark stated. "Right. Let's get off that subject then. Movie time!" Loren yelled. She raised the roof with her yelling. "Okay, okay. Calm down." Jacob said, laughing, while covering his ears. Loren got out her covers and covered her and Mark with it. Mark and Jacob already had some spare things here so they didn't need to fetch theirs. Jacob got his covers out and I was sharing with him. I got some popcorn out while the others chose a movie. "I want that one!" "Please. I want this one, instead." "No. We're having mine!" Was all I could hear in the background. "Stop acting like children. You're all over 10 yet you have minds of 5 year olds." I yelled to them. "I'll never understand." I though to myself. The popcorn was ready and I took it to the others. Mark snatched it off of me as soon as I put in down on the table. "Share! Sharing is caring!" Loren exclaimed. "But I don't care." Mark replied, blankly. "Nah! I'm just kidding. Here." Mark said, passing the bowl onto Loren. I snuggled next to Jacob and laid my head on his chest. "You are perfect." Jacob whispered in my ear. "You're perfect too." I whispered, as I looked up at him. He smiled. I smiled. We leaned in. We touched lips. It felt like the very first time we kissed. The sparks up and down my spine, and those butterfly's in my stomach. I pulled away. "Do you feel the same?" I asked, in a low voice. He nodded, slowly and kissed me again. "Ooh! Someone's having a good time!" I heard Mark said, annoyingly. "What? We're kissing. Have you never kissed anyone before?" I asked. "Yeah...t-tons of girls." He said, hesitantly. I could tell he was lying about the tons of girls thing. But I'm sure he's kissed a couple.

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