Chapter 13-Going on tour?

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"Ooo! Who's this?" Jacob's mom asked, looking at me. "She's-" Jacob was saying until she said, "She's pretty, though. Don't you think, Jacob?" I felt like I was an exhibit in a museum or something. "Uh huh. And, she's my-" Jacob tried to say until his mom butted in again. "Is your name Emma? Jacob's been talking about you an awful lot." "Has he? I hope it was good, Mrs Sartorius." I said. "Course it was good. He was saying how pretty you were and how he'd love to be your boyfriend." Mrs Sartorius said. I got up off the couch and stood next to Jacob. "Well, guess what? Jacob was my boyfriend." I said. "There! You said it! Mom, you never listen to me." Jacob whined. "Yes, I do. I listened to you when you talked about Emma, didn't I?" She asked. "Well, obviously because I asked you to listen. You don't listen when I don't ask you to." Jacob said. "I'm listening now and you didn't ask." His mom said. I giggled. "You just got owned by your mom." I whispered in his ear. Jacob glared at me in a playful way. I giggled again. "Anyways, Mom. We're going upstairs." Jacob said, holding my hand and leading me upstairs. "Your mom's nice." I said. "Nice? You should see her when she's angry." Jacob said, opening his bedroom door. He let go of my hand and I sat on his single bed. "Wow! Your room is messy." I said, laying down. I was quite tired. "I know. I haven't cleaned it in, what? 3 months or so." Jacob said. My jaw dropped. "That's probably why it smells in here!" I joked. Jacob shook his head, laughing. Me and Jacob share the same sense of humour and we both know when we're kidding. Jacob put his top in a draw and picked something up from off his desk. "Emma?" He asked. "Yep?" I asked, looking up from my phone. "I don't know how to say this...but I've gotta go on tour in about 5 days time." Jacob said, sadly. "Okay. Why are you sad?" I asked. "Because I'll be leaving you..." Jacob said, pulling a sad face. "Awh! Don't worry! My dad is friends with Bart. He can just ring up and do something." I said. Jacob's face lit up so much. "You're kidding!" Jacob said. "Nope. Not this one." I said. Jacob smiled from ear to ear and jumped on me. He turned me over so he was on the bottom and I was on top of him. I hugged him and he hugged me as tight as ever. I sat up and I saw on Jacob's bottom stomach part. "You gonna call your dad?" Jacob asked. I nodded. I got my phone and called my dad.
Dad: Hello?
Me: Hi, dad. It's me.
Dad: Hello, darling.
Me: Dad? Could you ring Bart up and ask if I can go with Jacob? But like just be behind no actually touring, just going along with him.
Dad: But, why should I? You made Trin cry. You stormed off when we were having dinner.
Me: When did I make Trinity cry?! Look, I'm sorry. Tell Trin I'm really sorry. I'm sorry for everything, but just please. I want to be with my boyfriend when he's on tour.
My dad sighed.
Dad: Okay...I guess so then.
Jacob smiled because I had my phone on speaker and Jacob could here everything.
Me: Oh my gosh! Thank you so much dad! I love you so much!
Dad: I love you too. I'll call him now and get back to you.
Me: Oh my gosh! Thanks dad!
Dad: Alright, calm down. Bye.
Me: Bye, love you!
"He's calling Bart now!" I said, laying on Jacob's chest. "I'm so hype, though!" Jacob said, playing with my hair. "Me too." I said.

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