Chapter 76-Fun

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Jacob called an uber and it came quite quick. I sat in the middle and the boys sat either side of me. "It feels so nice to have you back." I said, hugging Mark's arm. "It feels so nice to see y'all again." Mark replied. "Hey. I want my fair share of Mark's arm." Jacob exclaimed, grabbing Mark's arm and hugging it. "Um. Excuse me?" I asked, sarcastically. I giggled. The boys joined in. "It's like it used to be now." I said, smiling. Just then, I had tons of notifications from my social medias coming through onto my phone. Then Jacob's. Then Mark's. We all looked on our phones. "Looks like people are excited that you're back. Everyone's like, Mark's back!" Jacob said. "Well, people are. I'm happy." I said. I tried to unlock my phone but all the notifications blocked me from doing that and it literally spammed it. We got to the mall and as soon as we got out of the uber, lots of fans came up to us. Especially Mark.
Me and Jacob had finished off with our fans but Mark still had tons left. We started to laugh at him because he looked lost and shocked. I could tell he was a little scared and he wanted them to just get away. "Should we help me?" I asked Jacob. "Nah. He'll be fine." Jacob said, as he carried on laughing. We sat on the bench for about half an hour until Mark came up to us. "Jeez. I'm a bit....weirded out. And tired already." Mark said. "You would be. You haven't been doing this for about, what? A few weeks now." Jacob said. "Yeah. I think you would be." I added. We all went into Hollisters first and the boys just followed me around. "Guys. I'm not your mother. Go look around." I said, laughing a little. They scooted off into the store. I found a top that I really liked and I went to try it out. Jacob and Mark were in here too. Messing around. What a surprise(!) "Guys. You're gonna get thrown out. Stop it." I said. "You said you weren't our mother." Jacob replied. He sounded high. But I'm sure he wasn't. "Exactly." Mark added. He sounded high too. "What have you two been on?" I asked. "Umm...this chair?" Jacob asked, pointing at it. "What the hell is wrong with you two?" I asked. "Are you drunk?" I asked them. "No. No, no, no, no. I'm only 13." Mark said. "Mark. You're 15." I explained. "No. I'm 15." Jacob butted in. "Right. We're going home." I demanded. "Awh! We just started to have some fun." Jacob whined. "This is a store. Not a play area. Plus, you're 13 years old. Act like one." I commanded, putting the top back and pushing them out of the store. "I'm 15." Jacob blankly said. I sighed and groaned, "I give up." "We were only pranking you!" They both exclaimed. "Seriously? I actually though you were high or something." I said. Just then, the security guard walking towards us yelling, "Oi! You three! Back here!" "Leg it!" We all said, in unison and started to run. The guard was chasing us. "Quick! He's chasing us!" I exclaimed. "I...can' any longer!" Mark panted, slowing down. "You ran like 10 steps." I said, still running. I grabbed Mark by the hand and pulled him along. Jacob started panting and slowing down. "Seriously?!" I asked myself and grabbed Jacob's hand and pulled him along. The guard was still chasing us. I don't know how to get away from this one.

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