Chapter 75-Back

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I woke up on my bed at my home. I sat up and saw Jacob, Brad and Duncan around me. "What happened?" I asked, not remembering what happened before I blacked out. "You fainted." Jacob said. I started to piece things together. "Mark! I saw Mark!" I exclaimed. "Calm down, Emma." Brad said. "Jacob. I saw Mark, didn't I? Be truthful, otherwise you know what's gonna happen." I demanded. Jacob looked stuck and lost. "Jacob!" I said. " did." Jacob confessed. "Where is he?! I NEED to see him!" I exclaimed, desperately. "His house..." Jacob confessed. "Why did you tell her?!" Duncan yelled/whispered. "Because I love her." Jacob said. I got off the bed and ran downstairs, being followed by Jacob. I opened the door and ran out. Jacob ran after me. I ran for my life to Mark's house. I knocked on the door, desperately. Mark's mom opened the door. "Hi, Mrs Thomas. Can I see Mark? Please!" I begged. "Of course. Mark! There's someone here to see you!" Mrs Thomas yelled. Mark came down the stairs. "M-Mark?" I stuttered, speechless. "Emma!" He exclaimed and I ran into his arms. "You have no idea how sad I've been!" I cried. "Don't cry. I'm back now." Mark comforted, hugging me tighter than ever. "But...I-I don't understand." I said, confused. "Right. Come and sit down." Mark said, pulling me and Jacob inside. We all sat down on the couch and Mark started to tell the story. "So...the same day I saw you guys, after that, someone was after me. They got me and threatened to kill me. I told them that I'd do anything for them. They made me fake my own death. It got spread around the world and started to make people believe I was actually dead. And a few weeks after, they let me go because they got bored of me. And now I'm here." Mark explained. Me and Jacob there with our jaws at our feet. I was shocked. I just wanted to hug Mark and never let go. I really felt for Mark. "Dude. I know we haven't exactly been on the same level but...we're cool." Jacob said, opening his arms up for Mark to hug him. They hugged. It was so cute. Jacob and Mark were...crying. "You're actually crying?" I asked. Jacob was actually crying. I've never seen him cry at anything like this. I guess them two were just meant to be best mates. "Mark...I really missed you. Like really missed you." I said, tearing up again. "I really missed you too. But way more than you missed me." Mark replied. "Bro. Do you know how many times she cried? She really missed you." Jacob butted in. "Yeah. I cried like loads." I said. "I cried too. I missed all of you." Mark said. We all did a group hug. "We need to catch up. Like we need to go out like we used to." I suggested. "Yeah. Wanna go to the mall?" Jacob asked. "Why not? Let's go." Mark said, getting up. I'm really happy that Mark's back. The piece of my heart that was missing has come back but there was still loads left to fill, which were never gonna come back. My parents...

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