Chapter 51-I realised

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The ambulance came and took Jacob into it, then they drove off. "Cam! Call an uber." I demanded and Cam called one. The uber came about 5 minutes after. "Hey. Where would you like to go?" The driver asked. "Virginia Local Hospital, please. ASAP." I replied. Cam and Aaron got in with me and the others went home. "I'm scared..." I confessed. "There's nothing to be scared about. Jacob will be fine." Aaron comforted. But it didn't work. "Not when someone's out to kill you." I said. "Wait. What?" Cam asked. "Someone's out to kill Jacob. That very same person did this to him today. If they did that to him now...who knows what they'll do to him next." I explained. "Yo! We need to phone the cops." Cam said. "No. What'll the cops do? Tell us to stay inside, while they do nothing?" I asked. "No, but-" Aaron said. "No buts. No cops means no cops. No law involved. When the time is right, we'll call them." I said. "Oh no. We're not doing that. We'll call them now. I'm not having my bro in danger." Cam said, dialling 911. Cam had a full on conversation on the phone, with every piece of detail. We arrived at the hospital and the driver parked up. "Thanks!" I quickly said and I literally climbed over Aaron to get out. I ran into the building and ran up to the reception. "Hello. How can I help?" She asked. "Umm..." I replied and thought, why am I doing this? Because...because I still love him. I love Jacob. "Sorry. Could you tell me where Jacob Sartorius is?" I asked. "Yep." She said and typed his name in the computer. She told me the ward and I ran to it. I reached the ward and said to the nearest nurse, "Hi. I'm looking for Jacob Sartorius." She smiled and replied, "Ah. Yes. Follow me." She started to walk down the corridor. "He just came in today, didn't he?" She asked. "Um. Yes." I said, not concentrating on what she was saying. "Here we are." She pointed to Jacob's room. I opened the door and saw Jacob lying there, helplessly. Innocently. It brought a tear to my eye. I hate seeing him like this...I sat next to him and hugged him. Crying into his shoulder. "Hey...don't cry." Jacob said. Just then, Hunter burst through the door. "What are you doing?! Get off her!" He yelled and pulled me off Jacob. "What are YOU doing?!" I yelled back. "It looked like you were cheating on ME!" He yelled. I sighed in anger. "Look. You stand there, a strong, intelligent can walk through the door and hold my hand and say, Hey babe. All you can do is criticise me. Saying I'm cheating on you. With someone who is INCREDIBLY poorly. With someone is hospital." I said. "I'm made some horrible regrets." Hunter cried. "I don't care about your regrets. Alright?! I don't care." I yelled. Hunter was crying. Jacob was lying there, watching me and Hunter argue. "I don't have time for this! I need to be with my boyfriend." I said. "I am your boyfriend." Hunter said, confused and upset. "No. Not anymore. I'm sorry. I need to be with my real boyfriend." I said, walking backwards towards Jacob. Hunter cried and walked out. I looked at Jacob and smiled. Jacob gave a smile back. "I knew you'd come running back." Jacob said, sarcastically. "Oh, haha. I realised I loved you way more and yeah. I'm back with my baby." I said, sitting next to him and grabbing his hand. He smiled. "I love you too." Jacob said.

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