Chapter 28-Make it through, please!

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We reached the hospital and the reception refused to tell us where Cam was. "For god's sake! Where is Cameron Dallas?!" Jacob argued. "I'm sorry, sir. We cannot tell people without ID where one of our patients are." The woman said. "I just showed you my passport! What more do you want?!" Jacob yelled. While Jacob was arguing with her, I saw Cameron on a bed. Being pushed by one of the nurses. I slowly walked over there. "Cameron!" I said. "E...m...m...a?" He asked, extremely weakly. "Cameron." I said, slowly going into tears. "Don't...cry...I-I'" Cameron said. "Please, don't go! Where are you taking him?" I asked the nurse. "I'm taking him to the operating ward. We're going to have to get the bullet out, now. If you'll excuse me." She said. "Cameron! I'll be waiting for you!" I said, as she pushed him along. "That woman is stupid!" Jacob came over and complained, not knowing I just saw Cam. "I just saw Cam." I said. "What? Where?" Jacob asked. "Right here. He's having an operation." I said. "Guys! Where's Cam?" Aaron asked. "Where'd you come from?" Jacob asked. "He's going for an operation. Aren't you supposed to be at the meet and greet?" I asked. "Yeah, but I got a break. Oh, and Jacob?" Aaron said. Jacob looked at him. "Bart needs you back. There's a whole line waiting to meet you." He said. "Right. Emma, come on. Aaron, wait for Cam to come out and call us when he has." Jacob said, grabbing my hand. "See you." I said to Aaron. Jacob pulled me out of the hospital and said, "I'm broke. I left the rest of my money in the hotel. We're gonna have to run, unless you have money to get an uber." Jacob said. "No, I don't. I left mine in the hotel too." I said. "Let's just run." We both said, grabbing each others hands and running. We got halfway until I kinda collapsed on the floor. "Stop...a...minute." I said, regaining my breath back. "Why?" Jacob asked, out of breath. "Can' see?" I asked. After a couple minutes, we started running again. 5 minutes later, we got back at the venue. Jacob got in his place and met his fans. Some of them knew me from Instagram and some just met me. They were nice. But, all through that...I was thinking whether Cameron would make it. He NEEDS to make it through.

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