Chapter 31-I can't believe you

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"C-Cam?" I asked, confused and my eyes still filled up with tears. "Yeah, Emma. I-It's me. Us, boys...we kinda played a prank of you. It went to far and honestly, I didn't want to see you so upset." Cameron explained and all the boys jumped into the room. "Guys! That is so not funny!" I exclaimed. "Awh, babe!" Jacob said, hugging me. "No. Get off me." I said, pushing him off and walking out of the room. I couldn't believe they would do this to me. I ran out of the hospital but before I did that, I wanted to apologise the the nurse I took all my feelings out on. "Hey. I'm so sorry for earlier." I said. "Oh, no! It's no problem! I was in on the prank too." She confessed. I groaned and sighed. I walked out. I needed time to think. All that I went through, thinking one of my best friend's had currently out of order. How could they do that to me? Why would they do that to me? "Emma! Wait up!" I heard a voice behind me. Jacob. "What?!" I yelled and everyone on the street stared at us. "Shh. Everyone's looking." Jacob whispered. "I don't flipping care! You pulled a stupid, idiotic prank on me! Saying one of my bestest friends were dead! How would you like it?!" I shouted in his face. Jacob went bright red. "Exactly." I said and walked off. After I reached the hotel, a hand was placed on my shoulder. I assumed it was Jacob or someone who was in on the prank. "Go away!" I yelled and turned around, looking really annoyed. It was Mark. "What's the matter?" He asked, innocently. I giggled. "Sorry. I thought you were one of them." I said. "One of who? Terrorists?" Mark asked, confused. "No! One of the boys that pulled the stupid prank on me." I explained. "Why? What was the prank?" He asked. "Where they basically said, Cam was dead. I literally broke down. My heart broke. Everything just broke. Then, they told me it was a prank." I said. "Oh! What a bunch of tw#ts!" Mark exclaimed. "Wanna hang in my room for a bit?" I asked. "Why not?" Mark asked, giving me one of his big smiles. It was cute. We had a pillow fight. Luckily, nothing came out of the pillows. We also watched the notebook. I cried, halfway through. Mark comforted me. I felt loads better. We ate loads of food, talked. "Hey. Look what I found." Mark said. He showed me a picture of me, him and Loren from last year. "Yo! I haven't seen that in ages. I haven't seen Loren in ages." I said. "Imma call her." Mark said, getting out her contact. Mark put it on speaker, so I could hear.
Loren: Heyo!
Mark: Wassup. Where are you right now?
Loren: Baltimore with Lydia. Why?
Mark: Come to Baltimore Wilde Hotel. Me and Emma are here. Come hang.
Loren: Okay. See you in a bit, fat ass.
Mark: See you in a bit, butt head.
I laughed at their conversation. I totally forgot about Jacob and the others. Guess it's best to focus on the present and not on the past.

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