Chapter 59-Saved by the new girl

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I ran out of the school grounds, crying. I heard Matt shouting me from behind but I didn't turn back. I carried on running. I didn't know where I was going but...something popped up into my head. I wanted to go to the place where me and Mark hung out. On a log, near the lake. We carved our names into the wood.
For Mark and Emma. I ran all the way over there. I reached the lake and saw the bench that me and him sat on...tons of memories flooded into my head. I just broke down. "What should
I do, Mark?!" I yelled, through my tears. "What am I gonna do?!" I yelled again. I crouched down and had my head into my knees and sat on the ground. I looked up at the bench we sat on and I imagined Mark sitting there, laughing at me. Telling me to get up and shake it off. He was always there for me. He would still laugh at me when I cried or fell over, but he would always care for me. I sniffled. "Mark. If you can hear me...please. I know you can't come back, but just tell me what to do. Please!" I exclaimed, crying. Just then, I felt someone hug me. I looked up. Hayley. "Are you okay?" She asked. I sniffled. "Yeah. I'm fine." Toughening myself up. I stood up and brushed the dirt off my trousers. "Are you sure? You weren't crying or anything? You can trust me." She reassured. I took a deep breath. "I-I lost my best friend a few weeks back...I just really miss him!" I cried, breaking into more tears. She hugged me. "It's okay. I know what it's like to lose a friend. My best friend didn't want to be friends with me anymore." Hayley said, frowning. "Oh. Sorry." I replied. She frowned. "Ugh! I'm sorry for crying in front of you. Do you know where Jacob is?" I asked. "Who?" She asked, confused. "Jacob Sartorius. My boyfriend. Grade 7. 13. Any ideas?" I asked. "Oh! The one with the brown hair and really popular on the Internet?" Hayley said. "Yeah. Him." I replied. "Oh. He was getting told off by the head for running in school with Loren, was it?" Hayley explained. "Oh. How come you're out?" I asked. "Free period. It's only because I'm new, which I think is stupid." Hayley said. "Same. Anyways, I better go home. I'm not going back to school now. Does anyone notice I'm gone?" I asked. "No. I don't think so. Only Marcus? Martin? Matt? Yeah, only Matt knows." Hayley recalled. "Okay. I'm should be at school then." I said. "Come on. Come back with me. I've only got 5 minutes left anyways." Hayley said. "Okay. I guess." I shrugged and walked with her. My phone rang. It was Jacob.
Me: Hello?
Jacob: Babe! I'm so gland you're okay. Where are you?
Me: I'm fine. I'm coming back to school now.
Jacob: Good. Just a warning, Mrs Apps is gonna give you a big telling off.
Me: What?! I needed a break.
Jacob: Yeah. Don't worry. I got your back. I told her that you had to go home for a family emergency. She said its fine.
Me: Thanks, boo. I'm coming back now, though.
Jacob: Okay. You need to tell me why you actually ran off, though.
Me: Okay, okay. See you in a bit. Love you!
Jacob: In a bit. Love you too!
I hung up. We reached school and I saw Jacob. I ran up to him and swung my arms and legs around him. "I'm so glad you're okay and with me." Jacob whispered in my ear. "Same." I whispered back. We both stood there, with him carrying me and me with my face in his shoulder.

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