Chapter 20-Forgivness is a big commitment

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Hunter. I gave a slight smile. "What's happened?" He asked. "Jacob. He's being blank towards me. Something's up and I wanna know. Jacob kept a secret from me once." I said. "Yeah...Jacob tends to keep his thoughts to himself." Hunter said. "I can tell." I said.
Emma ran out and I'm pretty sure she's really mad at me. It's because she's getting close to Hunter and I feel like she's pushing me away...I don't want to tell her, just in case she gets really angry at me. "Dude? What happened?" Cameron asked, after Emma slammed the door. "Nothing." I lied. "Yo, there's obviously something up, bro." Daniel said. "Fine. She's been getting to close to Hunter." I said, after Hunter went out. "Bro! You can't be jealous just because Emma met a new friend who's a boy. I'm a boy and she's my friend. Why aren't you jealous of me?" Cameron asked. "I don't know. I'm a flipping idiot." I said, covering my face with my hands. "You're not." Brandon said. "Yeah, I am.  I just fu- I just messed up my relationship with a girl, who I loved with all my flipping heart!" I yelled. Just then, Emma can back in. And I pretty sure she heard what I said. "No, you haven't. And I love you with all my flipping heart too, but please...don't keep ANYTHING from me." Emma said, sitting next to me. "I promise I won't!" I promised and hugged her. "What you doing?" She asked. What? She kissed me, hard. I heard clapping and cheering from around the room. I kissed back, hard. We pulled back and I saw Hunter, looking sad...
I managed to talk some sense into her and took her back in. Then, she kissed Jacob. Hard. I felt sad. Jealous. Happy. Angry. Why? Am I falling for Emma?

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