Chapter 36-Don't fight over me

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"W-what?" I asked, a little confused and shocked. I looked at Jacob and I could see he was mad. "I-I don't know what I'm saying..." Mark said, trying to recap what he just said. "Bet you don't. Dumba##!" Jacob yelled and got off the bed. "Hold up. Lemme get this straight...You love my girlfriend?" Jacob asked, walking towards Mark. "Kinda...y-yeah." Mark said. "Do you want to date my girlfriend?" Jacob asked. "Y-yeah..." Mark said, stumbling on his words. I sat on the bed, watching them argue. "But, you do realise that you're not getting her?" Jacob asked. Mark said nothing and looked to the ground. "Right?!" Jacob yelled. "Yes. But I'm gonna fight for her." Mark said, confidently. "Nah, look. There's no need to fight over me." I said. Some of you may think I'm enjoying this, but I'm not. I don't want ANY of them injured, at all. "I can't just do nothing." Mark said. "Yeah, you can't do anything. Now, leave." Jacob command, pointing to the door. "No." Mark said. "Sorry?" Jacob said. "No." Mark repeated. Jacob pushed him. Mark looked angry. Just then, he took one strong punch at Jacob's stomach, which made him cough up blood. "Oh my fu##ing god! Mark! What the bloody hell did you do that for?!" I yelled and ran over to Jacob. "Amb...ulen...ce." Jacob said, very weakly. I grabbed my phone. I dialled 911. I called an ambulance to come and they were on their way. Meanwhile, Jacob was spitting the blood into the sink and I got his mom. I knocked on her door. "Hey, what's wrong?" She asked, because I was crying. I wiped my tears and got myself together. "Jacob...Mark punched him and he's coughing up blood right now." I explained. She rushed to my room. "I called the ambulance." I said, behind her. Mark was still standing in my room, looking guilty. As Jacob always stood up for me, I'm gonna stick up for him. "What do you think you're doing?!" I asked and yelled, pushing him. "I-I don't know..." Mark said. "What'd you mean, I don't know. Of course you know! Unless, you're still as stupid as you were in primary school?!" I asked. Mark said nothing. "Answer me!" I yelled in his face. It made him jump. "N-no. I'm sorry. I love you." Mark said, putting his hands on my arms. "Get off me! Who'd you think you are?! Punching my boyfriend and comforting me and saying you love me?!" I yelled and pushed him off me. "I'm never going to love you! Not after what you did! Never!" I yelled and rushed to Jacob. I couldn't believe what Mark did! I could NEVER forgive him for this...

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