Chapter 8-Revealed

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I didn't kiss back. I pulled back straight away. Jacob went bright red and stuttered, "I-I'm s-so s-s-sorry..." And ran away. I stood there, speechless. "Hey, Em! What's up?" Loren asked, coming up to me with the other girls. "Jacob...kiss..." I said. "Yeah, he's like that. Just ignore him. He's the most stupid person I know, I don't know why I'm his friend. Nah, I'm just kidding." Hayley said. "What you going to do about it?" Kali asked. "Don't know. Just wait until he says something to me, I guess." I said, shrugging my shoulders and heading to class.
Emma headed to class and I said to the girls, "Jacob needs to tell her." They all nodded in agreement. "He's not going to yet. He will but not soon." Hayley said. "Right, here's what we'll do. Two of you, take Emma somewhere and me and someone else will go and talk to Jacob, after school." I suggested. "Yeah, me and you talk to Jacob. So, that leaves Monica and Kali to take Emma somewhere." Hayley said. "Okay. Got it." Kali said. "Cool." Monica said and we all went to class.
I got out of my last class and Monica and Kali ran up to me. "Hey." I said. "Hi. Wanna chill at my place?" Kali asked. "Yeah, sure. Lemme just ring my mom." I said, getting my phone out. I rang my mom.
Mom: Hello, darling.
Me: Hi. I'm going to a friends for a bit.
Mom: Okay, but not too long though. You've gotta come home for dinner at 5pm.
Me: Okay, okay. Bye mom.
Mom: Bye sweetie.
And I hung up. "Right, let's go." Monica said.
We reached Kali's house and I asked, "Where's Loren and Hayley?" They looked at each other. Please tell me their not hiding something. Kali sighed and said, "They went to talk to Jacob." Monica nudged Kali in the arm. "About what?" I asked. "About-" Kali said but Monica quickly cut her off. "We don't know." I shrugged my shoulders and walked off. I didn't feel like being around people who keep things from me. "Where you going?" Monica asked. "Home. I feel poorly." I lied. "Oh, okay." She said.
I reached my house and Jacob was standing outside. "Emma." He said, with a smile on his face. "Hi." I said. "I need to tell you something." Jacob said. "What's up?" I asked. "I-I..." He stuttered. "I like you. There. I said it." Jacob said. What?!

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