Chapter 69-Not some stupid game

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Jacob came rushing into the girls bathroom. "Emma! Please, just listen!" He pleaded. I ignored him and ran out. "Who told him?!" I asked Loren. "Me...I'm sorry!" Loren confessed. I rolled my eyes and ran away. It was time for Science.
I didn't see Jacob the whole day, well I did but I ignored him. I ran home and bursted through the door. Duncan was standing right there. "Emma? Are you okay?" He asked. I cracked into tears. "Ooh! What's the matter?" Duncan asked, hugging me. "J-Jacob..." I said, crying. "What the hell did he do to you?! I'm gonna kill him!" He yelled. "No! H-he kissed a-another girl!" I sobbed. He gasped. "Awh! I feel so sorry for you!" He said. Just then, there was a knock at the door. Duncan went over to open it. I saw Jacob. I shot up the stairs without a second thought. I dashed into my room and sat behind the door. I heard shouting downstairs. "She doesn't want to see you! Get out of my house!" I heard Duncan yell. "No! Let me see my girlfriend!" I heard Jacob shout. This does my head in. Where are my parents when I need them? I need mom and dad. Just then, I got pushed by the door barging open. "Emma, listen to me." Jacob said. "No! Don't listen to a word that comes out of that twisted boy's gob." Duncan demanded. "What did you say?!" Jacob asked Duncan, angrily and loudly. "Just shut up! All of you! My mom and dad just died. My best friend died a few weeks ago. You don't give a damn that I'm hurting right now, do you?!" I asked them, through my tears and angriness. "Of course we do. Well, I don't know whether he does." Duncan said, trying to hug me. "No. Get off. Just leave me alone!" I yelled and ran downstairs and ran through the front door. I didn't know where to go. Loren told Jacob where I was, Jacob kissed another girl, Duncan's driving me up the walls. I have nobody to turn to. Wait. There is one person. Brad. I grabbed my phone and called Brad.
Brad: Hey, sis. What's up?
Me: Brad!
I was still crying.
Brad: Em? What's the matter? Are you hurt?
Me: N-no. I just need to see you. I-I'll explain e-everything when I see you...
Brad: Okay. I'm at a mates right now. But I'm going to come to you, okay? Meet me at the swings in the park.
Me: O-okay...
I hung up. Duncan and Jacob came running through the door. I started running. Running to the park. All I heard was them two shouting my name, and I saw they were chasing me. This wasn't some sort of stupid game. I just wanted them to leave me alone and give me some space. I'm really mad at what Jacob did. And I don't know whether I can forgive him...

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