Chapter Fifty-nine

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A/n: hey guys, sorry this wasn't out earlier. I've been on vacation for a few weeks, first in the US of A and now in Denmark so I've been pretty busy seeing everything. I would like to further apologise if this is rushed or there are typos, it's 4 am here. I tried to make this one longer to make up for the wait. Hope you enjoy it!


I opened the door to Robbie and I's room, my mind spinning. Things inside were not at all what I expected and I stood frozen in the doorway, trying to process what my eyes and ears were telling me.

Zoey was sitting on the floor, staring blankly across the room with what looked like a gun in her hand. Tears ran steadily down her cheeks but she didn't seem to notice.

Robyn was throwing a fit. That was the only way to describe what she was doing because I had never in my two decades of living seen anything like it. She was crying so hard her face seemed to crumple in on itself and a meaningless string of sounds left her mouth. Her hands were beating the floor and then herself and then the floor again. Her frantic breathing sucked all the oxygen from the air and my vision swam as I struggled to function.

Then I understood, took a deep, not-at-all calming breath and dealt with what was going on. First I called an ambulance because I wouldn't be able to calm Robyn down without professional assistance. Then I took the gun from Zoey's weak grasp and placed it on top of the wardrobe, where neither Robyn nor Zoey would be able to reach it. Finally I wrapped a blanket around Zoey who had begun to tremble. I didn't even go near Robyn, she was beyond reasoning right now and would only hurt me if I tried to restrain her, and that would make her feel guilty on top of whatever else was going on here.

"Fuck," I whispered, running a hand through my hair. How could this have happened in the half hour it took me to speak with my father? What on earth did happen?

There were low mutterings from the doorway and I swung round to see a crowd of people looking in, obviously attracted by the noise.

"Fuck off," I snapped, "this isn't a freak show." And I slammed the door shut.

Then I sank down against it and waited, trying not to let the heartbreaking sights and sounds register. It took only thirty seconds before I was holding Robyn tightly in my arms and preventing her from harming herself further, even though she kicked and wriggled wildly in my grip. I spoke over her sobs and the torrent of self-hatred, trying to get through to her but she wasn't there. The Robyn I knew and loved couldn't hear me and she didn't return.

Two paramedics arrived ten minutes later and neither showed any sign of surprise or fright at the scene that met them which, even though I'm not a huge fan of anything associated with hospitals, made me slightly calmer.

I say slightly because the only way they could help Robyn was by sedating her which didn't sit well with me and then they insisted on checking the rapidly growing bruise on the left side of my head. I knew I was fine and didn't want them to bother but they wouldn't leave me alone unless I let it happen so I had no choice. At least they did it in the ambulance on the move. In the end I was okay, just as I'd thought.

When we reached the hospital, Robyn was wheeled to a bed and her vitals were checked by a tall man who introduced himself as Dr. Kazmi. He said she was stable and all we could do was wait for her to wake up and then assess the psychological impact of her breakdown.

Zoey was already waiting for an assessment of her own. Jonas had appeared at some point and he was with her while Charlotte had text me and said she was on her way. I had no idea where anyone else was, including my father, and I really didn't care. I sat in a chair by Robbie's bed and waited.

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