Chapter Sixty-five

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My phone rang as I was heading into the doctor's office.

"You're coming home," my father ordered, "no arguing. We need you here."

"Hi, it's great to hear from you, I'm good thanks for asking."

"You have two days." He hung up. I jammed my phone back into the front pocket of my jeans and sighed. My time to be a carefree young adult was finally up; I had to get back to business. My entire life I'd been ready for this but now that it was upon me I didn't want this chapter to be over, and that was all because of Robyn. Because of the friends I'd made here too but mostly her. I couldn't imagine saying goodbye ... it would break my heart. But there was no alternative.

I strode into the building. Chose the stairs over the elevator because they'd help me regain control over my emotions. It was only four floors up, I wasn't even out of breath when I reached the office.

Within I wasn't kept waiting. The doctor rushed out as I entered, face flushed, clearly agitated.

"Oh, Miss Sloan! Hold on, let me just find the... Here it is!" He read quickly from one of a substantial stack of paper, "Condition greatly improved, nothing more we can do for you, go home, spend some time with your family." He glanced up and smiled a little sheepishly, "Sorry, I have another patient waiting. Emergency call this morning, completely backed up. Congratulations!" 

"What? How? Sir, wait!" But he was gone again, a stray sheet floating gently to the floor.

I blinked, unsure what to do.

"Excuse me," I tapped the receptionist's desk. "Could I have another appointment? I'd like to go over some of the details of my recovery."

The young woman tapped something on her computer, "Name please." I gave it. "He's free next Wednesday at ten past two?"

"That works for me."

Then I left, pausing on the landing outside the doctor's office, allowing the news to sink in. An enormous weight lifted from my shoulders and I smiled stupidly at the stairs, feeling a hundred times lighter. Now Roby and I had an entire lifetime to be together and leaving didn't feel so difficult. I spun on the spot and rushed to the elevator.

Back at school, Robyn was still sleeping.

"Wakey wakey," I drew the blankets down from around her head. She squirmed and buried her face half in the pillow. I tucked strands of dishevelled hair behind one ear and kissed the newly exposed cheekbone. "Come on, baby." She grappled for the covers, trying to go back to sleep. I threw them across the room. "We've got things to do today, Robbie, you gotta get up."

"Ugh," she slowly sat up. "What is more important than sleep?"

"Me?" I grinned.

She hopped out of bed, saying, "Maybe," and kissing me on the cheek as she headed for the door. I sat on her bed, basking in my newfound buoyancy - was this what they called joy? For the first time in my life, I was realising I wanted to live; that even before I'd met Robyn, I hadn't wanted to die. I'd always thought I wouldn't mind because I'd had no other option, because it was easier to believe that, but now... I laughed aloud. The whole world had opened back up to me and it felt incredible.

When Robyn returned from the bathroom, I spun her, planted a kiss in freshly washed hair and dipped her, ballroom dancing style. She grinned.

"Come on, we're going somewhere awesome!"

We rode for several hours, only stopping once for breakfast.

Climbing off the bike when we finally arrived, Robyn stretched and whined, "I'm in fucking pain," her body released a series of cracks and pops. "Where the heck are we anyway?"

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