Chapter Fifty-six

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"Oh my god!" Zoey yelled, "You took her back! After what she did?"

"Zoey, it's okay. We worked it out."

"You can't be serious," she snapped, storming out of the lunch hall.

"I'd better go make sure she's okay," I whispered, slipping my hand out of Sabby's.

"Of course," she smiled and I kissed her quickly, before chasing after my best friend.

I found her up in the bleachers, at the very top, sitting hunched up with her legs pulled to her chest and her arms wrapped tightly around them.

I climbed up to her and sat beside her silently, staring out across the football field where several boys were playing a game. It was windy and clouds billowed overhead like weights, weighing down the sky and making it weep.

"I love her," I said and although the wind quickly snatched my words away I knew she heard.

She sat stubbornly, without speaking, for a good ten or so minutes while I waited her out and fought off the cold. I hadn't brought a coat.

When she finally uncoiled herself I wrapped my arms tightly around her warm body.

"I know you do," she said, "but that doesn't mean you can let her treat you like shit."

"I'm no saint myself."

"Yeah," she squeezed me tightly, feeling my trembles, "and don't I know it. If she ever pulls a stunt like that again I'll skin her alive." She pulled away showing me her determined face. Then her eyes softened. "And the same for you, don't be a bitch."

"You have a way with words that simply astounds me," I said, hugging her again, glad things were back to normal. "Now can we go back inside? I'm fucking freezing. And see if I've missed breakfast for you...."


That night Alexis joined our group. She sat beside Sabby with an uncomfortable smile and said, "Uh, hey."

"Hi," Sabastienne replied.

I peeked around her and glared at the girl. She matched my look then seemed to force it from her face into a smile/grimace.

"Leave her alone, Robbie," Sabastienne elbowed me gently, "she's not how she was before. I've forgiven her."

I growled, "Doesn't mean I have." and stabbed at a piece of pasta.

"Look, I really am sorry about back then. It was fun playing with you guys but when you split I realised it was pointless. So now I just want to be y'alls friend." I almost choked on my food.

"As if, we all know you'd never stop messin' with Baste and Robyn," Jonas said.

"Yeah," Zoey joined in, backing him up.

"She really isn't as bad as she seemed," Sabby told them off and seeing Alexis looking upset I felt kind of bad.

I relented, "Alright, everyone deserves a second chance, right?" Jonas and Zoey mumbled protests but I gave them a death stare and repeated, "right?"

"Oh, yeah!" They replied simultaneously.

I grinned and went back to eating my macaroni cheese.

"We're probably going to get a place near here tomorrow," Yuriy said. In all honesty I had no idea why he and Dominika were allowed to eat in here with us. Maybe the school had let them due to the exceptional circumstances.

"There's no need," Sabastienne said but neither he or Dominika listened.

"Nika bring Charlotte. She might as well help us pick since she'll be there most of the time."

I laughed and nudged Charlotte under the table with my foot. She turned an interesting shade of pink and buried her head in her hands.

Everything had been smoothed out between the two of us. Having had a lot of time to think and analysis myself I realised that the anger I'd felt towards her was misdirected and only occurred because I was hurting. I had apologised and it seemed that we were good again.

After dinner, Sabby and I went out for a ride on her motorbike.

The wind whipped around my body and where there had once been fear now rose exhilaration. We tore up the road, riding fast down the darkening streets.

We came to a colossal halt outside a cinema and went inside to watch a movie. It was ordinary and nothing extravagant but just spending time with her was enough to make me happy.

We sat in the back row of seats, hands clasped together, waiting for the film to begin. There were only a few other people dotted around the room as the film had been out a while.

"I missed this," I said, lying my head on her shoulder. "I missed you."

"It was only a week," she replied, stroking my hair.

I sat up, offended, "You mean you didn't miss me?"

"Of course I did," she smiled but it looked painful. She took a long drink and closed her eyes, her brows close together. She leaned back, resting her head on the back of the seat.

"Are you okay?" I asked nervously, dreading the answer.

She didn't lift her head or open her eyes, "Yes, Robbie. I'm fine." I felt my insides wrench and my heart began to pound too quickly.

"Let's go home," I said.

"But what about the movie?"I felt sick and my emotions were swirling. I stood up, taking her hand and trying to pull her up after me.

"I don't care about it. Please. We should go home."

"Alright," she stood up a little woozily. I helped support her out of the cinema, wrapping my arm around her waist and allowing her to rest most of her weight on me. It was at times like this I wished I worked out; I could barely lift a child never mind a full grown adult. Maybe I should begin some kind of routine, sexercise can only get you so far, after all.

When we got outside a cool breeze hit our faces and I could feel it working it's way into my body and slowly but surely relaxing me.

"Babe," Sabby said, "I can't drive like this."

"Alright," I said, "alright, that's okay. I'll just phone Jonas, he'll know what to do, he'll come pick us up." I dialled his number, babbling on about anything I could think of until he picked up. I won't lie, I was pretty panicked. "Jonas, can you pick up Sabby and I?"

"Uh, I'm a little busy right now," he replied.

"Who is it," a female voice asked. It sounded a lot like Zoey but I didn't have time to think about that. I just needed to get Sabastienne to bed.

"Please," I begged, "It'll only take ten minutes. You can being your date with you."

"She is not my date!" He sputtered and I couldn't help but smile at the image of his red face set with pure indignation.

"Okay, then come and get us. I'm begging you."

"Fine, where are you?"

"We're at the old movie place, the one on the outside of town. Thank you so much!"

"Yeah yeah, I'll be there soon."

He hung up and I slid my phone into my pocket. Sabby was sitting on the ground when I went back to her and I followed suite, lowering myself down beside her. I wrap my arm around her and let her rest against me.

"You're gonna be okay. You have to be."

A/n: Sorry for the long wait. Updates on this one are going to be slow I'm afraid. However, we are close to the end so you'll not be suffering for too long (I hope).

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