Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 Such a Hassle

"Noa, I hope you know that once you leave here you're going to be hunted down. This is counted as betraying your clan." Kojujoji-san, the Gold King said to me as I was walking over to the door.

"I'm sorry king but I think I need a vacation from all of this." I smiled at him.

"You can't just walk out of your clan whenever you feel like it!"

"I can hear him. I can hear him saying my name. I have to find this special king before anyone else does. I'm sorry, Kojujoji-san but I must leave." I said as my last good bye.

"So be it. But remember this Noa, I warned you."

I looked back at him, and memorized the details on his face, I was most likely never going to meet him again.

"Thank you for everything, Kojujoji-san." I said before I fled the building.

Once I stepped out into the street, I could hear a herd of foot steps coming my way. My steps went from a brisk walk to an athlete at a marathon. I glanced over my shoulder only to find that there were at least five pursuers.

Right now I have no weapons on me. Now's a good time to start improvising. I looked up to find a building with the most electricity. I could feel my powers running through my eyes as I focused on each building. It was then I found huge building with a light up billboard on it.

I ran closer to the building and pressed my hand against the cool glass wall. I released my energy and surged through the wires, which allowed me to see the whole structure of the building and everything connected to their outlets.

Seeing that it was connected to the lamps outside, I sent a strong current which caused the lamps to explode and the billboard the fall down. Right before they could get to me, the billboard got in their way and the popping lamps prevented them from going around.

"Nice try!" I mocked them as I ran off.

Now my mission was to find this king of great power. I ran to the nearest train station to Shizume City. Once I was sure that I was safe I slump back into the seats and rested.

If I was going to keep running, I'm going to have to rest as much as I can. I reached into my small purse and checked how much money I had. All I had was 20550¥, my cellphone, some candy and a map.

I reached for my cellphone and deleted all my contacts from my clan. For the rest of the ride I fell asleep until I was woken up by the speaker.

When I arrived in my destination, I decided to call my friend Ami, who lived here as a bartender's assistant.

"Ami, it's Noa!" I said cheerfully.

"Ah Noa, it's been a while. Sorry I couldn't hang out with you in last weekend." She said on the other line.

"It's fine. Are you still working?"

"Yeah, my shift ends at 9."

I took a glimpse at the time. Still 5.

"Why do you ask? Are you here in Shizume City?"

"Yeah, I kinda needed a place to stay. Sorry to tell you on such short notice."

" Oh it's fine. I'll send you my address so you can let yourself in. Afterward we can talk."

"Thanks a lot Ami. I owe you one. I'll see ya soon!"

"Ok, bye!"

Once I hung up my phone, I received the address to her apartment. Within an hour of walking my legs became sore. I'm lacking in energy from using my powers.

Maybe if I locate a strong powerhouse I can recharge my energy.

Once again I used my powers to locate a building with high voltage. The closest one to me was some kind of facility. I looked it up on my map.

Sceptor 4, why does that sound so familiar?

I shook off my suspicion and went on my way. Once I reached their gate, I could already feel the power the building emitted. But there was no way I could sneak in. I touched the closest lamp post and followed it's current inside the building.

Flawlessly, I was able to shut off their cameras and security system. I quickly opened the gates and ran into their feild. Outside the building's walls I began to absorb as much power as I could. Inside the room's lights began to flicker and then shut down.

Finally, I'm wide awake. But once I pushed away from the wall, an unexpected alarm began to blare. I got up on my feet and sprinted for the gate which close right in my face.

"Where do you think you're going?!" A woman called out to me. She was blonde, tall, fit and had a cold look in her eyes.

"Did you cause the shortage here!?" she demanded.

I on the other hand lost my cool and gripped onto the gate. with my newly obtained powers I forced the gate open.

"Stop right there!" the woman yelled as she let out several blue strikes at me. But luckily I escaped just in time.

I dodged their attacks and fell to the ground several times. This really isn't my day. No matter what I was still being chased down. I quickly turned around and released a shockwave that was able to knock out at least four people.

But right now my main problem was that lady, she had the strength of a bull. Now matter how much charges I threw at her, she would swiftly move out of the way.

"Quit following me!" I yelled at her

"I'm not the one vandalizing buildings!" She yelled at she let out another strike. Again I leaped over to the side. Still on the floor, I rolled over and shot another charge at her. This time I ran off and began to pop all the lamp posts near me.

Fortunately my distraction worked and allowed me to escape.

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