Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 This is Hell

My clock blared it's alarm at exactly 6:30 a.m. I lazily sat up and threw the clock across the room. I laid back in my bed and tried my best to go back to sleep but then Awashima busted down my door.

"It's your first training day, Noa! Look alive, we've got lots to do!" she shouted enthusiastically.

"Just a bit longer...." I mumbled

But disregarding my request, Awashima grabbed my foot and pulled the rest of my body out of bed. She then took out some freshly washed training clothes and tossed it to me.

"Quickly get dressed. We need to finish everything on this list." in her hands were small printings.

"What's that say?" I yawned.

"Can't you see it? It's your schedule."

My eyes cracked open and snatched the paper from her hands. I pressed it closer to my face but I still couldn't read it. But from the looks of it, I was going to be a very busy person.

"I can't read it well." Dear god, I felt like crying.

"Oh, then we're gonna have to get you an eye exam and add lessons so that we won't have to translate it. Now hurry and get dressed."

I was forced to wear baggy blue warm ups and run out in the cold when the sun hadn't even risen yet. After two horrific miles of jogging, our next exercise was to lift weights. It didn't really go well since I don't have the upper body strength but Awashima did comment on how good I was at yoga.

"Wow, I'm beat!" I flopped to the ground and tried to ease my breathing.

"It's only 8:15, so that means we have indoor training now." Awashima checked her watch without even showing any signs of fatigue.

"What!? It's not over yet?! I can barely breathe right now." I huffed.

"Indoor training is just kendo classes. It's really not that bad." She took of water and tossed my water bottle over to me. "Get up, we're almost done."

After a minute of resting, literally, we went over to a small dojo where a couple of members were training. Awashima handed me a shinai. I really had no idea how to use it so basically I was just throwing in some random hits.

I was very impressed to see her block all of my hits but when it came to switching roles I didn't stand a chance. I was knocked down several times and tripped by her three times. By the time training had ended I was sore all over.

"Good job Noa, you can head to the baths and then get some breakfast. I'll come get you next week to see how you progressed." she patted my back which actually felt like three punches.

With my last bit of strength I heaved myself to the bath and sat there for a good hour or so, relaxing my muscles and mind. Finally when I was all clean, I changed to my uniform and struggled to the dinning hall.

I collapsed into my seat and slept on the table. Although I had my eyes shut I could feel everyone watching me but I was far too tired to care.

"Where is she?!" A loud voice echoed the room and woke me up.
"Tch, damn it! Where's Noa!?" The voice repeated.

Still half awake, I could hear footsteps coming my way. A loud bang shook my table and fully woke me.

"What?! What's happening?!" I jumped back to consciousness.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" Fushimi raised his voice.

"It's nine, right?" I yawned

"Far from it! It's 12:30, you were supposed to be in a meeting with me." He leaned in closer to me.

"I'm sorry Saru- I mean Senpai, I'm sorry. I was just so exhausted that I could barely keep myself up." I nervously talked back.

"That's no excuse, we all deal with the same thing! Just cause your a strain doesn't mean you have speacial-"

"I'm sorry, I really am truly sorry. I'm just getting used to it. In no time I'll be better." I begged.

Fushimi took in a deep sigh and moved away from my face.

"Well, we don't have anything scheduled right now. At 2:00 we're patrol, so meet me at Munakata's office by 1:30." He said walking off.

Within those couple of minutes I fell straight to sleep. When it was 1:30 Hidaka woke me up out of pity. He said that it was bad enough that I was Fushimi's partner, so he invited me to have drinks with them that night.

I gladly accepted his invitation and ran upstairs where Fushimi was waiting for me. Waiting with him were Akiyama and Benzai.

"I-I'm here." I heaved.

"Tch! You're late again but your timing is getting better. Here." Fushimi handed me back my cellphone, map and my own sword.

"Wow, my very own!" I quickly took my sword and right when I was going to open it he yelled.

"Hey, that's not a toy! You can only use it on missions."

I attached my sword to my side and shoved my phone and map in my pockets.

"Congrats, now your whole uniform is complete." Akiyama smiled.

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