Chapter 7 part 3

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Chapter 7 part 3

Everyone began to get their weapons ready to fight off the beats but Fushimi recalled that Ryuji's specialty were creating illusions in the dark and manipulating shadows. These spiders couldn't be real.

"Hey guys, put your weapons down!" He yelled.

"Do you want us to die?" Fuse yelled back as he drew out his sword.

"If you strike we're only going to hurt each other. These are one of Ryuji's tricks again."

"Homra, you too!" Fushimi looked over at Yata.

"You know, you were part of Homra too! Don't treat us like idiots!" Yata growled.

"If we burn to death then you have yourselves to blame!"

"Yata-chan, I say we listen to him. As much as I hate it, we're gonna have to listen to each other!" Kamamoto turned to him.

"Use you're auras to break the illusion!" Fushimi began to glow in a bright color of blue thus breaking free from the trick.

Once the spiders had disappeared, a strange laugh began to echo in the darkness.

"Well, well, well I'm impressed by your knowledge. But that was all child's play, let's make things a bit more difficult. Let's see if you can tell what's real and what's fake. Good luck." Ryuji's voice echoed through the tunnels.

The tunnel split into two different sections. At this point the blues and the reds were prepared to stick to their groups.

"Let's see who finds Noa and make it out of here first." Fushimi smirked before he left.

"Don't get too cocky, Saru!" Yata said as he ran inside his tunnel with the rest of Homra.


My legs and hands were bonded tightly by some thick rope, so cutting them will not be so easy. I had no light as well, I accidentally dropped my cellphone when I was being dragged. I wanted to call out for help but I was afraid that Ryuji would hurt me if I did.

"Can this job get any harder?" I sighed to myself.

"Try going into hiding, it's a lot harder than it sounds." Ryuji popped out of nowhere holding a lamp in his hand.

"What do you want?" I growled.

"Easy there kiddo, I just want to talk right now." he sat down in front of me and placed the lamp between us. "So, how are you doing today?"

"Fine, so why didn't you tell me that you knew?"

"Hmm, I didn't want to believe it at first until I saw you on patrol a couple of times and the time when you almost destroyed the city. Let me just say I'm impressed to see you at you're highest point."

"Well, I'm impressed by this tunnel you made"

"Oh this? This was all Kenta's work. His ability is the strength to dig massive tunnels even in concrete. His hands are made of steel literally. All the shadows are my doing."

"You scared me pretty good back there."

"Sorry about that I hope I didn't make your leg worse."

"So what's going to happen now? Are you going to kill me?"



"As much as that uniform bothers me, I'm not going to hurt you. You saved me and in return I'm not gonna lay a finger on you. But if you dare try to drag me to Scepter 4 then we're gonna have a big problem there. But other than that I just wanted to talk."

"I wish I was an honest friend. I'm sorry for doing this to you guys."

"You probably have you're reasons and I have mine. I just wanted to gather as much strains as possible, so far many of them are chickens. But I hear that you know a few."

"Yeah, one's a little girl I'm not sure what it is but you can't get her. She's Homra's princess there and then there's the Silver King's clansmen. From what I hear one of them is a strain. I was under it's illusion traps not so long ago."

"Very interesting. However I don't want children in my team, so I'm gonna have to pass on that."

"How long are we gonna be here again?"

"Until one of your friends find you. Not long ago Hibiki told me he heard the Blue King here, so you should be fine. But I hope your team don't see him as a trick."



The whole clansmen were sprinting down the tunnels, trying to escape from a herd of long limbed creatures that crawled on the walls.

"It's not real! It's not real!" Chitose yelled as he ran.

"You're not helping Chitose!" Dewa yelled at him

"We were supposed to release our auras a long time ago." Eric mumbled.

"Fine then let's all stop and do it together!" Bando suggested.

"Fine by me!" Chitose yelled back. Everyone else looked back at each other, agreeing on the plan.

"On the count of three," Bando looked back at the creepy creatures. "1...2..3!"

Bando immediately stopped running and watched as the rest of the group kept running.

"You heartless people!" He yelled at them as the creatures began to pull him into the dark.

"We're sorry, Bando!" They yelled as they kept running.

Once Bando was being sucked into the dark, he suddenly found himself in an empty lit-tunnel. Right by the lamp was Noa, who was fast asleep.

"Noa! Noa, wake up." He shook her.

"Fu-Fushimi-senpai...?" she whispered still half-asleep.

"Gross no! It's Bando." He looked down and began to untie her hands.

"Bando, how did you find me?" She yawned.

"I was being attacked by some creepy creatures and suddenly ended up here. I guess the only way to get to you was to get captured as well."

"It's cold down here. We have to find a way out." She shivered.

Bando helped her up and carried the lamp in his other hand. Both began to walk down the tunnel trying to find a way out.


Scepter 4

As they were walking, the team kept their auras up which prevented any beast from scaring them.

"This tunnel seems endless." Domyoji complained.

"Do you think we'll ever make it out of here? I'm gonna miss all my shows." Enomoto whined as well.

"What if we're trapped in here for days? What are we going to eat? How long will it take for the captain to dig us out?" Akiyama panicked.

"Would the captain even dig us out?" Fushimi dared to ask, causing the rest of the officers to complain even more.

"Oh, finally I've found you!" Munakata appeared at the end of the tunnel.

Everyone froze, all debated on whether or not he was a trick. The group huddled together and talked it over.

"What's taking so long?" Awashima poked her head out of the hole on the side of the wall.

Hidaka took a pebbled and tossed it at the Commander. Everyone stared at him for a while.

"He seems to be real. But then again..." Hidaka tried tossing another pebble.

"Ryuji-kun really messed with your heads. If you want to get out just follow me. Awahima and I found this tunnel which led us out."

The officers slowly followed them from behind until they were finally able to see light at the end. They all ran out rejoicing to see the sun again.

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