Chapter 14 part 3

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Chapter 14 part 3

By the time it was 7, Awashima and I went back to the dorm and got ready for tonight's dinner. I wore a black pencil skirt with a light pink blouse and thigh length stockings. When I was ready, I headed over to the cafeteria where everyone was already there.

"Hey Noa! I feel like it's been a month since I've seen you." Domyoji waved over to me and pulled out a seat for me.

"It's nice to see you all here again." I forced a smile.

"Is everyone here?" Munakata asked as he took his seat.

"We're still waiting for two more, Fushimi and Akiyama." Benzai answered in a serious tone.

Right when he mentioned their names, both the boys appeared in their casual clothes. Both decided to sit right across from me, which technically ruined my night. The whole time, I kept my eyes at Munakata as he kept babbling about how much closer we've all become. To that I say bullshit.

Fushimi slumped in his chair and accidentally touched my foot, I jolted from his touch and made eye contact with him. We gazed at each other for a brief moment but it was cut off by Munakata.

"Noa? Noa, would please help Awashima bring out the food you both had prepared for us?" he asked.

"Sure thing." I hurried out of my seat and ran to the kitchen with Awashima.

The guys applaud us once they saw the meal we had prepared for them. Soon the whole table was filled with chatting about the break or what they plan to do next break. The only people who kept quiet the whole time were Fushimi and I. We only listened in on other people's stories, played with our food and make some awkward eye contact.

The whole dinner was torture, it was the last day of break and it ended on a sour note. Once it was finally over, I rushed out of there and briskly walked out to my dorm. The whole time while I was walking, I couldn't help but feel like I was being followed. Right behind me was Fushimi.

"Quit following me." I growled.

"Tch, what the hell are you talking about? If you haven't noticed my dorm is this way too."

I didn't bother to continue on our conversation and kept on walking. My march went from light to harsh stomps, which wasn't very smart of me because of my steps I accidentally broke one of my heels. I fell on my knees and ripped one of my stockings, revealing my bloody knee.

"Damn it! What the hell are you doing?! Can you not walk properly?!" He scolded.

"My shoe! My stockings!" I gasped

"Come on." Fushimi knelt down beside me and tried to pick me up but I pushed him away.

"Back off, I think I'm capable of walking by myself!" I said stubbornly but he completely ignored me and picked me up anyway.

Fushimi walked me all the way to the infirmary, which was empty. He set me down and searched through the drawers for a bandage. The atmosphere in the room was very awkward, I have no intention in forgiving him yet. Besides it was his fault for lashing out on me.

He came over with a cotton ball dipped in alcohol and pressed it against my knee. The alcohol stinged my wound but I tried to keep a straight face and avoid his eyes. When he pressed on my wound even harder I had no choice but to look at him.

"That hurts!" I snapped at him

"Just how long are you going to keep this up? If you haven't noticed we start work tomorrow morning."

"It doesn't matter, nothing can change the fact that you said those hurtful words."

"Tch! Look at me, damn it! I only said those because I was just angry! Quit taking things so harshly."

"So what then? Whenever you're mad you're just gonna lash out on me and expect me to just take it like it never happened. I can't live like that, it's too much for me to take! I can't have everybody keep on breaking me!"

Fushimi suddenly got quiet and just stared into my eyes. I could feel my face turn red, I turned my face away from him.

"You're not the only one with issues here. I think...I think we should split. I was thinking that I should tell Munakata to re-assign me."

He suddenly came back into his senses and stared at me in shock. He removed his hands from my knee and sat back on his heels. His shocked face soon dissolved into his infamous apathetic look.

"If that's how you feel..." he got up from the ground and headed over to the door. Before he left he took one last glance at me and disappeared.

A part of me wanted to go after him but then again it's his job to apologize to me first. But the whole splitting apart thing was something I just made up. I'm still uncertain on whether or not to split.

After all of the running and being captured, he couldn't at least greet me when we were finally reunited. But was this whole fight really my fault? I mean, I was the one who made him worry but it's not like I asked for any of this stuff to happen. I'm just bad-luck, that's all there is.

Blue Heart: K ProjectUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum