Chapter 22 part 3

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Chapter 22 part 3


Over the night, when Shiro came back to the church we discussed about forming a new plan.

"I think there's another way for us to get down in the lair but I'm going to have to leave here first and regroup with my team."

"You're leaving so soon!?" Neko cried.

"We're running out of time. Within a couple of more days, the Blues will reach the actual tunnels and then we're all screwed." Yukari chimed in.

"He's right." Shiro surprisingly agreed. "We'll help you guys out."

"Yay! Really Shiro?!" Neko cheered.

"R-Really? You'd do that? But you guys are being hunted down by the Blues." I stammered.

"And you're being hunted by Gold and Scepter 4. If you ask me, you're gonna need our help." Kuroh pointed out.

"What do you say, Noa? Would you let us be a part of your team?" Shiro stretched his hand out to me and gave a soft smile.

"Yes...thank you." I held onto his hand and felt a warm feeling inside.

The lights in the room started to glow brighter and brighter, it felt as though it was day.

"Geez, contain yourself." Yukari muttered as he nudged my chair. "It's best if we move out at night to avoid any sightings."

"I must warn you guys that once you leave this property, you won't be able to see this building. So I hope you're ready." Kuroh said.

We all looked at each other, agreeing to our decision. Shiro handed me a small piece of paper.

"This has my number, so you can contact us. I wish you the best of luck." he smiled.

I quickly gave them each a hug before I could leave.

"When this is all over, do you you think I could come back?" I looked down at my feet, suddenly feeling shy.

I felt a hand land on my shoulder.

"Of course you can. You'll always be welcome to come back."

Once we passed the fence, we were suddenly standing in a small town by the city. When I looked back, the church was suddenly an old empty building. I sighed to myself, but then Anna and Kamamoto held onto my hands.

"Don't be sad, Noa. They're still here, you'll meet them again." Anna reassured me.

I gave her a smile and lightly squeezed her hand.

"Alright, guys let's move out." Yukari said as he led the way back to the city.

By the time we reached Homra, it was approximately 9 o'clock. We went by the door which was left unlocked. We slowly walked in and gasped to see the fine glass shattered on the floor. Chairs and several tables were knocked over, some wine was spilt on the floor as well.

"Kusanagi-san..." Anna sighed.

"No, no! Where could he have gone?!" I ran over to the counter and heaved myself up and searched just in case he was hiding on the floor. "Kusanagi-san! Kusanagi!"

Douhan ran over to me and covered my mouth.

"Noa, you have to be quiet! This place must have been raided by Scepter 4." he whispered.

"We have to go back! How did I not see him? Where's he kept?" I turned to everyone.

"We didn't even know he was captured. But I'm pretty sure that the rest got away though." Kamamoto said.

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