Chapter 3 part 2

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Chapter 3 part 2

The four of us walked over to the city and split up. We were to check for any suspicious or crimes. So far nothing was really going on, the city was peaceful. No trouble here.

I stopped by a vending machine and bought coffee to perk myself up. I sat in the shade and enjoyed my drink, though it didn't take long for my moment to get ruined. A bunch of people were crowding something.

I went over to check it out and found that there was a fight going on. It was one guy against three big looking idiots. The one man dropped his skateboard to the floor and began to do all these neat tricks.

When one guy tried to get him, he'd flip in the air and beat him down. However when it came to a big tubby guy this kid had no chance. I pushed the crowd aside and walked right into the arena.

"Hey lard-ass!" I yelled to get his attention. "quit messing with him! I'm sure that you have better things to do!"

"No one was talking you, little lady. Leave before you break a n-" the kid with the skateboard popped out of nowhere and beat the guy down.

"Hey you bastards, don't you know that you're supposed to treat women with respect!" His face steamed with red.

From behind one of the thugs held me back and took out a pocket knife.

"Don't think about it kid or the girl gets it!" little did he know that I'm untouchable.

I used a much higher voltage than my usual to zap the thug's hands off me. He jolted away, confused to what just happened. I controlled the energy surging through me and directed to the fat thug by the boy. Once he was down, I looked over to the other guys, who panicked and ran off.

"Are you okay?" I ran up to the boy, whose face grew even more red than before.

"O-o-o-of course I am!" He nervously laughed, picked up his skateboard and scooted away from me.

I quickly grabbed his hand.

"Hey, wait a minute! Your hurt I should get you to a doctor or something." I said looking down at the cuts on his hands and the bruises on his knees.

"N-n-n-n-no, I-I'm fine!" he jolted when I began to walk off still dragging him with me.

"Please, I really need you so I can do this report. I want my superiors to be proud of me." I turned around and pleaded.

His eyes drifted away from me and said with a trembling voice and beat red face. "Fine, I guess I can come along."

I merrily walked back to the street where Fushimi said he'll be patrolling. As I saw him walk out of a connivence store, I quickly dragged the boy along and called loudly to him.

"SENPAI! SENPAI! You wouldn't believe what I just-"

"SARU!" The boy flicked my hand off and grabbed Fushimi's collar.

"Hey! What are you doing!? I'm not turning you in!" I wrapped my arms around his chest and tried to tug him away.

"Misaki!" Fushimi growled.

"You two know each other?"

"What the hell are you doing here?! Don't you have anything better to do with your spare time?" Fushimi mocked him with a smirk on his face.

"At least I'm not going around capturing and torturing innocent people!" The boy snapped back at him.

"Wait, Fushimi-"

"Isn't time you quit living in the past?" Fushimi reached down to grab his sword but I quickly grabbed his hand.

"What do you think you're doing? If we start a fight Awashima-"

"Noa, stay out of this! This is a fight between him and I, I don't want you to get dragged into this."

I quickly gave them both a quick zap, in which both boys jolted back. They looked over at me with surprised expressions.

"Would it kill you to just tell me what the hell is going on here!?" I yelled causing everyone to look at us.

"Why did you bring him here?" Fushimi calmed down and looked down at me.

"He was in a fight and is hurt. All I wanted to do was make a report on the crimes going on around here and get him fixed up." I calmed down too.

"I don't need any help from the blues." The boy pulled up his headphones and began to walk off.

I quickly ran after him and tapped his back.

"Hey, I just wanted to apologize for his attitude. He's an ass sometimes." I smiled.

"I-It's fine! I've known him for a long time anyway." He blushed, looking away from me.

"You do?! Can you tell me some things about him? We can meet up!" I smiled.

"Noa, let's go! I haven't got all day!" Fushimi called me impatiently.

"Where can I find you?" I turned back to him.

"Just go to Homra." He slipped away and blended in with the crowd.

I ran back to Fushimi, who was waiting impatiently for me.

"Senpai-"I began but he immediately interrupted me with a loud voice.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? Getting into fights, bringing over the enemy and then not following orders! Next time there's a commotion just call us over or arrest the one's who started it! This isn't a game, I hope you know!" Fushimi stormed off without saying another word.

I stood there motionless and silent, watching him go back to patrol duty.

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