Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 Throwing down the Towel

The next morning, I woke up with an irritated attitude. I got up from my bed and got dressed. When my whole look was complete I headed out the door and into the cafeteria. Already there eating were the other members of my team including Fushimi, who was sitting with Akiyama.

I marched over to the refrigerator to pick up a pudding cup and went to sit by myself. I seated myself in our usual spot by the windows.

"Hey Noa!" Akiyama called me and waved me to sit with them.

"Humpf!" I crossed my arms and turned away from him.

Akiyama's face fumed with embarrassment and confusion.

"Just leave her, some people are just immature!" Fushimi said with his voice growing louder at the last part.

I simply ignored his snide comment and continued to eat my breakfast. I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I ate, they were probably wondering what happened between us.

When the real work had started, I went over to Awashima and requested her to assign me to someone else. But seeing how busy we were today she simply pushed my request to the side and said that she'd ask Munakata.

The whole day I avoided Fushimi as much as possible. Every time he came to sit down near me, I'd get up and do some other kind of work or help the others. Also when I was sitting with someone and he'd come up, I'd walk away.

When lunch had finally came, I went down to the cafeteria with Enomoto, Hidaka, Goto and Fuse. Out of pity, they invited to have some lunch with them. Everyone had sandwiches while I just ate some fruit. The whole lunch the guys were deciding on another get together and chatting about the break.

"Hey Noa, what happened between you and Fushimi?" Hidaka dared to ask.

"Him? He's just a big asshole who has nothing better to do with his life other than torment others! He's a complete insensitive ass!" I raised my voice and caused the lights in the room to flicker.

Right on time, Fushimi entered the room and walked right over to our table. I looked down at my knees, avoiding any eye contact with him.

"Hidaka, your files-" He began to scold him but I immediately got up from my seat and headed for the garbage.

"Tch! Again!? Noa, this shit is getting old! You can't just keep walking away from me like I have a disease!" He finally snapped.

I kept on walking, pretending like I didn't hear or see him. After throwing away my trash, I headed to the bathroom where I know he can't follow me. Waited there for five minutes and decided to head back to the table. The boys were still there waiting for me and sitting in my chair was that bastard.

"Ahem!" I said once I was standing right behind him. He titled his head back and glared at me.

"Oh now you can see me?" He teased with a smirk on his face.

"Hey that's my seat! Go find somewhere else to sit cause surely no one wants you here!" I scolded him.

"Are you sure about that? Surely, you want me here." He said in a mocking tone.

My cheeks burned red and my face was steaming with hate. I felt so angry that two lights suddenly popped. I couldn't contain my rage so I went outside where I know I can't hurt anyone. Once the door behind me was shut, I let out all of my powers.

I shot bolts into the air and screamed on the top of my lungs. I was so close to killing him right there in front of everyone.


Once I let out all my anger, I fell to ground and just watched the clouds pass by.

"Noa, are you alright there?" Zenjo looked down at me. Right behind him was Yoshino.

"I barely see you two out here." I said calmly.

"I was just coming back from the dojo and ran into Yoshino." Zenjo explained. "Besides I saw lightning and screaming so I thought a fight had broken out."

"It's nothing really, I'm just a bit stressed." I laughed awkwardly.

"Don't be afraid to talk to us if something's bothering you." Yoshino smiled and helped me off the floor.

"Thanks you two. I better get going, I'm on patrol today. I'll catch with you two later." I smiled as I headed over to the gate.

The car was already parked and the gates were open. Standing there were Akiyama, Domyoji, Fushimi, Benzai' and Kamo. When we entered in the car I made sure that Fushimi wouldn't be sitting next to me.

The whole car ride was full of tension and awkward glances to one another. Every time Fushimi glanced at me I'd give him a cold glare and then look out the window. From the reflection I could see how pissed he was every time I did that.

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