Chapter 19 part 2

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Chapter 19 part 2

Yukari led us into a very sketchy looking alleyway. He claimed that this was the only way to their secret apartment.

"I can't help but feel like I'm gonna get mugged over here." Mizu murmured.

"Hey, I heard that! Besides just cause it looks like crap on the outside doesn't mean it's crappy on the inside." he barked.

"How profound." Mizu whispered to me.

Finally we reached to the end of the alley, which was filled with piles of junk.

"Oh please don't tell me that you boys have been sleeping in trash bags for warmth this whole time." I sighed.

"Ladies, I invite you two to our home." Douhan went by the bags and pushed them out of the way.

To our surprise, the piles of trash was covering a small stair way. Douhan we t in first and unlocked the door for us. I hated to admit it but Yukari was right. Their little apartment was actually really nice.

The whole setting reminded me of a really nice hotel room. Both Mizu and I were very impressed.

"Wow, this place is actually gorgeous!" Mizu gasped as she twirled around the room.

"Glad that you both like it." Douhan took off his mask and flopped down on the couch.

"I literally take back everything I had said." I laughed as I jumped onto the couch beside Douhan.

"Well, who's hungry?" Yukari asked as he went inside the kitchen and brought back a bunch of take out menus.


Scepter 4

The whole day was filled with extra paper work and technical difficulties. The whole system was weak and suffered many issues from the several power outage.

"Has anyone seen Noa? We could really use her help right now." Domyoji whined.

"Now that you mentioned it, neither have I. Did she go on patrol today?" Kamo turned to Domyoji, who sat on his chair while everyone was doing their work.

"No way, it's not her day today." Hidaka came in, carrying a huge stack of papers.

"Domyoji, get up and actually help us! We have a shit load of work today!" Fushimi stormed in the room, bringing in twice as much negative energy than usual.

"Yes, sir!" Domyoji sprang off his seat and rushed over to help Hidaka.

"You seemed to be more...uh...tensed." Akiyama stammered.

"Shouldn't you all be more focused on your work? This isn't a social gathering." Fushimi scolded them.

"You're the most anti-social here." Fuse huffed under his breath.

"Um...F-Fushimi-kun, w-we were just wondering where N-Noa is." Hidaka dared to speak again.

"Is that really relevant right now?" Fushimi snapped back at him.

"I-I-I just thought our day would easier if she fixed our computers." Hidaka answered in a trembling voice.

"The hell if I know! That brat always does what she wants!"

"So do you." Fuse muttered softly.

"Just get back to work." Fushimi growled as he marched off.

Once he moved out of the room, everyone exhaled in relief.

Domyoji: I seriously thought that he was gonna kill me!

Kamo: You were the only one that should've been scolded.

Fuse: What the hell is that guy's problem?

Akiyama: From what I heard, Fushimi is all worked up because Noa ran away. Before he went out to see Noa's friend to see if she bunked in with her again. But I'm not sure why he's mad,I mean, she always runs out at night.

Kamo: Most of the time when couples fight, they tend to separate and rant off about each other.

Hidaka: Did you just compare them to a couple?

Domyoji: Is that what happened between you and your wife.

Fuse: I picture him as a wife beater.

Benzai: What the hell are you guys gathering around for?

Domyoji: Hey Benzai, do you see Fushimi as a good boyfriend?

Benzai: Just what the hell are you talking about?

Domyoji: Noa and Fushimi, of course.
So what do you think?

Benzai: It's an interesting pairing is all I have to say.

Fuse: I don't think that guy is capable is loving someone in return. I mean do you see how he treats her sometimes.

Akiyama: That's only sometimes. I see him treat her right on several occasions. I think they're alright, they just have different perspectives.

Hidaka: I guess opposites do attract.

The group suddenly grew quiet and moved apart once Fushimi walked back in the room. Everyone hurried off pretending like they were doing work the whole time.

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