Chapter 2 part 2

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Chapter 2 part 2

I stayed in the cell for probably more than a week. I rolled around on the floor debating on whether or not I should join them. If I stay around them I'll probably be able to obtain some of their power but could I really bring myself to capture fellow strains like me?

"How do I always manage to get myself into these situations?" I mumbled to myself.

I wonder if Ami noticed how long it's been since I disappeared. She probably thinks that I ran away again, I wouldn't be surprised if she thought so.

"How long are you gonna keep this up?" Akiyama asked as he was pushing my food through a slot.

In time I grew pretty attached to him since he's been giving me food and having small conversations with me. It was nice to actually talk to someone, even though he doesn't say much.

"Not sure really. I just don't feel comfortable betraying my own kind. Those prisoners seemed really happy to be finally freed." I rolled myself closer to the door.

"I have a feeling that you're just going to live off of us and giving me extra work." He scoffed.

"Come on Aki-kun, I'm an enjoyable person to talk to! So what's going on out there?"

"Heh, just cause I like talking to you doesn't mean I'm willing to give out information. Nice try though." He chuckled.

"At least give me some interesting topics to talk about at lunch. I'm getting bored over here."

"Good advice for you would be to just join us. You'll sleep in a dorm, wear better clothes and food. Just quit being so stubborn." He said as he was walking off.

I sat up and stared down at my food. I was still debating on his offer.


Specter 4

As Akiyama was walking up the stairs he ran into Munakata who was waiting for him.

"Still no answer?" he said with a smile.

"Well your really getting to her. She pretty bored and sick of the food. Who knows maybe she'll give in today."

"Well at least something good happened today. You guys still didn't find the strain?" Munakata sighed

"No sir, Ume Ryuji is nowhere to be found. But we're still trying to track him." Akiyama replied.

"Sir, there's someone here to see you." Fushimi came up to them with a young lady following behind him.

"Hello ma'am, come with me to my office and let's see how we can help you. What's your name?"

"Ami." The young woman shyly answered.

Munakata dismissed Akiyama and together he and Fushimi escorted Ami to his office.

"So what seems to be the problem?" Munakata asked as he sat down on his desk.

"Well, my friend has been missing for about a week. At first I thought she ran away again since she tends to do that but something was strange. She hasn't picked up her cellphone or left a note. I feel like something's bad has happened to her."

"What's this friend's name?" Fushimi asked as he was taking notes down for his report.

"She calls herself Noa. She was staying at my place for a while but now she's gone."

Both Fushimi and Munakata looked at each other from the sound of her name. This was the perfect opportunity to get some information out of her.

Fushimi: How long have you two known each other?

Ami: Well, we're still both in college so about a year. We've been hanging out and calling each other since then.

Munakata: Are you sure she's not lost in the city?

Ami: Although she doesn't know her way around here, I checked everywhere for her. She knows how to speak Japanese pretty well so I assumed she'd ask for directions.

Munakata: This isn't her first time here in the city?

Ami: When she moved here from America she was living in Tokyo but then she moved here in Shimuze six months later. She knows most of the streets.

Fushimi: More importantly why would she be running away so often? Was she a trouble maker? Like getting involved with clans?

Ami: She's a good kid, actually. She may get into situations but she always finds a way out. She may not be a brainiac but she is clever.

Munakata: We may be a clan as well but we work as a police force. You can trust us.

Ami thought it over for a brief moment but her decision to trust them outweighed the idea of confronting the Gold clansmen.

Ami: She came to me because she was being hunted down by her old clan. She left them recently and she hid in my apartment so she could rest. I don't know why she left them though.

Munakata: May we have a description of her?

Ami handed them a small photograph of her and Ami in college.

"We'll contact you once we find her." Fushimi snatched the photo from his commander's hands and left with his notes.

"Thank you for your time, miss. Don't worry, we'll find her." Munakata smiled sweetly to her.

"T-Thank you so much." she blushed as she left his office.


When lunch time came, I was actually shocked to see Munakata show up instead of Akiyama.

"Where's Aki-kun?" I immediately sat up.

"Your friend came in today to report you as a missing person."

"Ami?! Ami, came for me? Does this mean I'm being freed?" I exclaimed.

"No, I just wanted to let you know. It'd be best for you to make up your mind so your friend wouldn't have to search in the streets for you." he said coldly.

"Are you giving me a guilt trip?"

"Most likely but I'm doing it for a good reason. You never mentioned to us that you were being hunted down by the Golds."

"Heh, that's personal information."

"Well, then?" he asked impatiently.

Since I didn't want to cause Ami anymore trouble I reluctantly agreed to his deal.

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