Chapter 15 part 2

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Chapter 15 part 2

Finally when we reached our destination, I pushed my way out of the car. Right when we stepped out Fushimi's cellphone began to ring.

"Hello. Yes, we've arrived. Okay we'll keep a look out for them." When he hanged up he turned back to us.

"Was that Awashima?" Kamo asked.

"From all of the reports we've been reading, there's been some trouble going on in the middle of the night. It is our job to find this culprit. And now we have more to add to that, keep an eye out for Ume Ryuji and The Gold clansmen." He informed us.

"What the hell are the golds doing?" Domyoji whined.

"We're not sure of that yet but the last group who were on patrol said that they've been found on buildings searching again." Fushimi's eyes immediately darted towards me.

"Do you mind?!" I grumbled.

"Anyways, split up into groups and choose a path to follow. Call immediately if you find them or the culprit." I was walking over to Benzai but Fushimi quickly grabbed me by my coat.


"We're going in goddamn groups and last time I checked I'm still in charge of your destructive ass. I can't have you destroying the city." he said as he dragged me along.

Once it was too late to run, I had no choice but to keep quiet by Fushimi's side. The whole time none of us made a single peep.

"Any idea why Gold is searching for you?" he finally spoke but I didn't reply.

Fushimi suddenly stopped, I bumped into his chest as he grabbed both of my shoulders and shook me vigorously.

"Noa, I'm still your superior! You answer me when I ask you a question, got that? I'm really sick of this game or stage you're doing. It's really pissing me off."

Again I remained emotionless and quiet, I promised myself I will not give in.

"Hey leave that girl alone!" When we both looked up, there was a woman standing on top of a small apartment building with a whip in hand.

Fushimi drew out his sword and jumped up to attack her. He blocked the slashes of her whip which cause alot more damage than I thought. Once she passed me, I suddenly felt the energy and power in her. She was definitely a strain.

The woman quickly flicked her whip at a brick wall, completely making it crumble down. With smoke all over the air, the woman grabbed my hand and dragged me into the busy streets. Once we ran far enough we sat down for a break.

"Thanks for helping me out back there. Who are you?" I panted

"I'm Mizuki Asami but please call me Mizu." She smiled. "What was going on back there? Was this one of those dramatic lover's spat?"

"You wish. He's my superior and lately we've been in a fight. I don't want to speak to him until he truly apologizes for what he said."

"Oh, and who exactly started this fight?"

"It sure as hell wasn't me! He's the one flipping out about how I always get into trouble. Which reminds me, you really should stay away from me."

"Huh? Why? Look I know you're a strain as well so you're secret is safe with me."

"No, it's not that. I work for Scepter 4 and our job is sometimes catch strains, so if I were you I'd get the hell out of here before you're forced into captivity."

"So are you going to arrest me?"

"Of course not, but the others will. Anyways, do you know of a strain named Ume Ryuji?"

"Sure do, about two days ago he asked me to join his little rebellion."

"Really? So do you mind me asking-"

"Found you, Noa!" Both Mizu and I looked up seeing that the Gold's were right above us.

"Today sure is a good day, now we've cited both of our targets." Takeshi laughed.

"I'm not going down that easily!" I quickly charged up my power and shot a bolt at them.

With that as a distraction, Mizu and I ran back to the center of the city. I hurried over to one of the buildings and began to feed off of their power supply to give my bolts extra strength.

Within a second, we were surrounded my gold clansmen.

"Geez, you were right. You are nothing but trouble." Mizu commented.

"Shut up, nows not the time for that."

"How exactly do you know these guys and why are they chasing us?"

"They're my old clan. But crap what do we do now?"

"Damsels in distress?" a familiar voiced laughed.

AUTHORS CORNER: This character Mizuki Asami is not my OC. This character was created by KristalineRose.

Blue Heart: K ProjectWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt