Chapter 17 part 3

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Chapter 17 part 3

The whole car ride, everyone remained silent. It was nothing but awkward glances or nasty looks. Once we arrived I leaped out of the car not bothering to wait for the rest. I abruptly stopped, causing Fushimi to bump into me.

"Tch, hey watch-!" He suddenly grew quiet once he saw Scepter 4's building. One whole side was completely blown off, the doors were broken down and there were several holes on the roof.

When we went inside, there were papers all over the floor and all the computers were all smashed. I knelt to the floor to pick up the papers. I moved frantically and couldn't stop my shaking.

Awashima hurried over and made me stop. She held my hands and set them down on my lap. She told me to take in deep breathes and worry about the mess later.

"Are...Is there something you guys want to tell me?" I sniffled.

"We'll discuss this whole thing in tomorrow's meeting. Meet here at 6:30 tomorrow morning." Munakata dismissed us.

The only building that was destroyed was our main building, the dorms were alright. I hurried over to my room, not saying a word to anyone. I slammed my door shut and slumped in my bed.


I changed out of my clothes and put on a loose red striped dress, pink hoodie and black boots. After I was dressed, I went over to my window and snuck out the window. Once I was sure that I was safe, I went over to the gates and let myself out.

I took my cellphone and threw it over our fences and headed down to the city. On the streets were still some taxi cabs, I didn't have money so I threatened the man that I'll electrocute him if he didn't drive me. Surprisingly he listened, I leaned over at the window and slept for the whole ride.

After an hour of sleep, I finally reached my destination. I walked up Gold's steps, they too had a broken down building. I climbed up the unleveled steps and pushed the door open. The whole building was split in the middle just like ours. The long curtains were ripped and the beautiful marbled floor was scratched. All over the floor were large debris of the blown up ceiling.

"It's pretty late to be visiting, don't you think?" Kokujoji said as he came down the stair case.

"Good evening, Kokujoji-san." I bowed to him. " Please I must know more about what happened today."

"I'm pretty sure that you should've pieced it together by now."

"I need your guidance. I'm confused about everything. I don't know what Ryuji's doing anymore, I fear that Munakata is hiding something from me and now the silver king disappeared again."

"I can't help you anymore Noa. This is a hole you dug up and now you've dug too much. How will you crawl out?" He turned around and began to climb back up the stairs.

"Kokujoji, wait! Please I really do need your help! If you don't help me then I'll show Munakata your system and works!" I yelled.

He paused for a moment and then looked back at me.

"Is that a threat?"

"If it pressures you into helping me then yes. I'm threatening you."

"When you threaten me, you threaten the entire Gold Clan. Be careful on what you say, girl. You may have been one of us but that doesn't give you the freedom to do as you please. You're actions will get you killed for sure."

"At least answer this one question. Is this someone I'm familiar with?"

"Are you sure you don't want to ask about your new king?"


"You met this man many years ago. This man was part of the corporation you once lived in, to be frank with you, I did have some knowledge that he was here." Kokujoji shut his eyes and took in a deep breath. "You're out of the dark but I fear that this situation will bring you back down."

I bowed down with a warm smile on my face.

"Thank you so much, Kokujoji-san."

"I hope you know what you're doing." Kokujoji-san said before he continued his way back upstairs.

Once I was all alone again, I went outside and closed the door behind me. I hopped down the steps and looked back at the building. I was actually surprised to see that this tome he didn't have the team hunt me down.

I looked up at the top of the building. The windows were cracked and some didn't even have the glass. But I was able to make out two small yellow eyes stare down at me.

I gave him one last smile and headed to my cab.

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