Chapter 5 part 3

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Chapter 5 part 3

"That girl is Scepter 4 property!" Munakata led his group closer to us.

Lined up in the group, Fushimi stepped out of line. He drew his sword out and walked up to the middle of the street.

"Noa, stop this nonsense! I have a shit load of work to do!" He yelled out to me.

"Why didn't you guys tell me? After all this time you knew that he was dead, didnt you?" I yelled back.

"Noa, there's something you must try to understand..." Munakata began

"Oh really, the first time I joined Scepter 4 would've been a great chance for you to tell me!"

"Well, what about you then! You never told us that you murderer!" Fushimi bursted out in front of everyone.

I stared at him with hurt eyes. I was too shocked to even yell back at him. That was private information, now people were going to be even more scared of me.

"Noa...?" Yata muttered.

I slowly slipped out of his arms and teetered my way to the blues. I was pissed, I was so pissed that he mentioned my dark past that I was slowly losing control again.

"Noa, just calm down and try to think rationally." Munakata dared to speak another word.

All around me, huge bolts of lightning zapped out of me, causing lamp posts and building lights to explode. My head began to hurt, it seemed like everything was spinning and I had no control of stopping it. Soon my voltage began to rise and this time it was going everywhere.

Everyone began to hide behind cars or debris to avoid getting hit. When my knees hit the ground I unconsciously began to absorb power from building blocks away, causing all the lights in the streets to go nuts.

I 'm losing it! I have no control now!

From the corner of my eye, I saw someone walk towards me. I fell back and tried to scoot away.


I shut my eyes tightly but when I opened them, I was somewhere else. I was amazed to see big trees and the wide open sky, this wasn't the city at all. But could this have happened.

I grew calm once again and found Fushimi right in front of me. I looked up at him expecting him to yell at me but instead he picked me off the ground.

"What's happening?" I asked him.

"This is the work of another strain that we had to deal with. This one in particular was working with the silver king." Fushimi turned to Munakata, who easily destroyed the illusion with his aura.

The scenery slowly changed back to the damaged city. Fushimi quickly looked back trying to find the strain who caused this but no one really stood out.

He clicked his tongue again and walked back to the blues side.

He set me down in the truck, while everyone was out searching for this strain. I sat back staring at the ground.

"It slipped out, I'm sorry." He leaned by the door.

I still didn't look at him, since I was pissed about him blabbering it and the fact that it could've happened again.

"Tch, I'm pretty pissed too. I had to go looking all over to building for you and try to track you down. But it looks like you already knew that."

"Am I only a weapon to you guys?" I mumbled.

"No" he said without hesitation. "You're part of the Blues now, we're a team. We're partners."

I finally looked up at him, with watery eyes and a smile slowly spreading across my face.

"I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

"Would you ever share your story with me? I'm actually interested to hear how you became a serial killer." He chuckled.

"Maybe some other time, right now I could really use some rest. I'm beat." I laid back in the truck and tried to sleep.

When we reached back to our base, I was sent down to the infirmary where they gave me a shot which had a small tracker inside. I simply laughed at their efforts and went back to my dorm.

As I was walking back, I ran into Awashima. She wore her training clothes and was covered in dirt. She suddenly noticed me when I lights began to flicker in my presence.

"Noa, you missed your training today. I was going to get you but I figured that you'd want to be resting."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure thing. Come with me to my room then we can talk."

Once I stepped in the room the lights flickered again until I sat down at the table. She over on the other side handing me a can of juice.

"You seem a little tensed today, any reason for that?" she said looking up at the bulbs.

"I'm just a little shaken from what happened today. I'm still to gain back control."

"Are you upset about the silver king or what Fushimi-kun said?"

"Both. Why would you guys not tell me?"

"When you were still in custody we were trying to get a background check on you. We were able to find a laboratory file on you but it took us a while to obtain the information from that file. It wasn't until last night, Munakata was finally granted permission into your files. As for the silver king we're not sure if he is dead."

"How are you not sure?"

"It's been rumored that the silver king is immortal. We've recently found a sighting of his aura around here and from what we just witnessed it seems his clansmen are here as well."

"The strain who made that illusion."

"Yes, there is another one as well. He's a boy who came from the colorless clan and wields a sword. The leader of his group was quite a trickster as well."

"Is everyone here....afraid of me?" I mumbled.

"No." She surprisingly answered.

"What? How could they not be afraid?! I'm a wreck!"

Awashima simply laughed at my reaction.

"Everyone has done something their not proud about in their past. I'm sure you know about Fushimi and that clan Homra."

"Why did he leave them?"

"That's something you're gonna have to ask yourself. Although I was very shocked to see you like that today, I haven't been so scared in a long time." She chuckled.

"Kokujoji-san kept me under his wing to keep me in control. He was strong enough to restrain me when I became irrational and helped me relax. I was very thankful for him to take me in despite my history. I felt happy but soon I was used as more like a tool rather than a person." I laid my head on the table.

"Besided even if I ran away from you guys, I'll come back. Right now this is my home, I really have nowhere else to run to."

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