Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 Brace Yourselves!

Once the Silver Clan had arrived, Kusanagi explained to them what had happened and what they planned to do.

"We've all decided to go tonight. We've got no time to lose at this point. Who knows what they could be doing to Noa? And if they did interrogate her, they'll be more surprised to see us tonight." Kusanagi explained to them.

"This is very strange behavior if you ask me." Shiro said looking at each of the clansmen. "I'd say we're ready."

"Well, all we've got to do now is wait for the sun to set." Yata jumped on the couch and turned on the TV. "Anybody want to play video games?"


Scepter 4

Early in the morning, the whole squad was preparing themselves to finally break through the hole. Munakata had came back from a long meeting with the Gold's King.

"So how did the meeting go?" Awashima asked him.

"Kokujoji, refused my offer. He doesn't want our help and doesn't believe in my words."

"If we do catch Noa, would you even consider handing her over? I know that several times you said that she was a valuable member of the team." Awashima reminded him.

"That is true, however, I feel that Kokujoji is mainly concerned with the information that Noa keeps in her head. From what he said, Noa works just as well as a flash drive. She can hold as much information as she can, but she can only see it clearly when she is in tuned with a device, like a computer or cellphone."

"Do you think that he'd kill her? How will he able to delete all that information she holds?"

"That's probably the reason why he won't work with us to capture her. Our reasons for her capture are entirely different."

"If they catch her before we do, they'll be able to see all the information she stole from your computer."

"Maybe, we can make her import it all back to my computer after it's fixed." he chuckled to himself.

As Munakata and Awashima were on their way to the ditch, the rest of the officers were still forced to stay at the base. They were forced to track down Homra and the Silver Clan.

"Oh man, this work is killing me!" Hidaka got up from his chair and stretched his back.

"There's no way for me to track them down. There's no one in the bar and there hasn't been any sightings of them for the past week! It's like they disappeared!" Domyoji wailed.

"There hasn't been any movements with the Gold Clan and Noa's followers." Fuse said as he leaned back on his chair.

Walking into the room were Akiyama and Benzai. Domyoji perked up and yelled to them.

"Akiyama! Benzai! What was it like having you're asses kicked by a girl?!" He joked.

"You should know, Awashima always beats you in practice." Benzai gave him a cold stare.

"Please shut up and do your work. We're extra busy today and Fushimi is not really in the best mood." Akiyama announced.

"Isn't he always like that?" Fuse mumbled.

Stepping into the room was Fushimi. He stared down all the other officers as he walked over to the center of the room.

"This isn't a social gather, so I advise you all to focus on your work! Has there been any new sightings?"

"N-no sir, we haven't had any luck." Enomoto answered him.

"Wait, Fushimi we've caught something on tape. Last night downtown, one of our security cameras caught something." Kamo turned his screen around to show everyone.

The video showed a figure walk up to the ditch, as the figure tried to turn back something crawled out of the ditch. Then all of a sudden, the lights and the camera began to flicker and go completely black. Everyone looked at each other giving a scared look.

"Kamo, get me a closer visual of that video." Fushimi took out his phone and called up Awashima.

"Fushimi? What is it?" She answered it.

"You might want to hurry over to the ditch. Someone was there last night and the cameras went down."

"Did someone come out of it?"

"Yes and someone came to it. I have a feeling that it might be one of his workers or something."

"Alright, thank you for the report. We'll notify you if there is something strange going on." After Awashima hung up, Fushimi went over to his desk and sat back in his chair.

"How dare he take a break while we work!" Fuse hissed.

"Calm down there, you don't want to wake him up." Hidaka whispered to him.

The whole afternoon the group worked in complete silence. When it was finally time for a break, everyone gathered around the cafeteria once again. All except Fushimi, who went outside to sit under the shade and take a short nap.

In his dream, he saw himself standing in the dark. The only thing he was able to see was a girl sitting on the floor.

"Hey, could you tell me where I am? I've got work to finish." he called out to her.

The girl tilted her head to face him. Fushimi suddenly stopped walking once he realized who she was.

"Noa? What the hell are you doing here?"

All she did was stare at him, her face seemed very scared and panicked. No matter how long he waited she wouldn't open her mouth. Fushimi walked over to her and reached his hand up to her. Noa looked away from his offer and began to cry.

"Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. What's wrong now?" He knelt by her and placed his hands on her shoulders. From his slightest touch, she flinched away from him. Her face was deathly afraid.

"Hey what's up with you? What happened to you?"

"H-h-he.....I...." her voice cracked.

"Noa, what is it? What's going on here?!" he shook her.

Noa quickly covered his mouth, trying to shush him.

"He can hear you." she whispered.

"Just tell me what's going on? Why can't you just say it?"

"I....I was-I was....!" Something in the dark suddenly dragged Noa by her legs and pulled her away. The sound of her screams echoed in his head.

Fushimi jolted awake, he sat up and wiped the sweat off his face. He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes making sure he wasn't dreaming. He suddenly yelped when his phone started ringing.

"What's going on?" he answered it.

"Fushimi, the hole has been filled with rumble. This has to be Ryuji's team trying to keep us out. Any luck on the video?" Awashima informed him.

"We're working on it."

"Well send it to us ASAP. We need to find out who was here."

Fushimi thought about his dream and tried to see if this was some kind of hint. But then Awashima hung up on him and he went back to the others. Right when he entered, Kamo came up to him with his computer. He made the image brighter and played the video again.

Now, it was clare to see that the figure was in fact a young girl. The figure coming out of the ground seemed too big to be Ryuji.

"It has to be her. That dream was a warning." Fushimi immediately sent the video to Awashima and called her phone.

"I believe that this figure walking up is Noa. I just find it strange that she's up late a night going on a walk and that she's alone." He told her

"I agree with you there. This is definitely her. She could be running out from Homra now and is joining up with the enemy for more power."

"That could be the case but something seems wrong." Fushimi paused for a minute and thought it over. "Although she is pretty sly, this doesn't seem like her. From what I remember, she's really scared of this guy."

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