Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 Ready for Action!

When morning came, Mizu put on a dark wig with short spiky hair, she went for a punk-gothic look. I on the other hand, shoved all my hair in a baseball cap and dressed like a boy. I had to borrow some of Yukari's clothes and wore my creepers since his shoes were far too big.

"You two look like a halloween couple. I hope Anna's prepared for this." Yukari laughed.

When Yukari and Douhan were ready, we all walked all the way to Homra. Over there, Kusanagi and Anna were waiting for us. Anna also hid all of her hair in a cap and dressed like a boy.

"Well, I really wasn't expecting this. Are you ladies ready?" Kusanagi asked us as he handed us a map of the whole city with small red dots all over it.

"These dots represents where all the Homra members are hidden. I want you girls to stay near the regions these guys are at and if anything should happen make sure the boys know that it's you."

"You got it Kusanagi-san! Wish us luck!" I held on to Anna's hand and followed behind Mizu.

Anna held out one of her marbles as we started walking. She held it up to her eye the whole time we were walking.

"We're very far from it." she informed us.

"Which way? Turn left or right?" Mizu looked back to us.

"Go left" Anna replied.

When we reached the busy streets of Shizume City, we all linked hands making sure that we wouldn't get separated. We had to stop from time to time just to check if we were close to any of the Homra boys.

"He's over there!" Anna pointed over to the most crowded part of the city.

I looked down at our map and noticed that most of our companions were at least a mile away. We moved towards the direction and noticed that there were twice as many Scepter 4 patrols there.

I titled my hat down once I saw that Hidaka, Enomoto, and Fuse were there. Both my hands and feet began to tremble.

"Noa?" Anna looked up at me.

"Hey get it together!" Mizu hissed as she began to pull me along.

"I can't go over there! They'll definitely notice me!"

"Well, we have to check this place out or else this mission was all for nothing! Just keep your head low."

All the Scepter 4 patrols were trying to tape off the section were Anna had pointed to. Crowds of people gathered around trying to see what the commotion was all about.

"Everyone!" Awashima stepped up and yelled in a microphone. "For now, this section is off limits! No one is to go near or cross these lines or else you will get hurt. This area is currently under for investigation uses. Please be mindful!"

"Are you sure about this Anna?" I whispered.

"Positive. I know he's underneath waiting."

"Well then, now it's my turn to verify it." I dragged everyone to follow to the nearest building beside it. "Watch over my body while I'm gone."

I casually leaned on it and pretended that I was just looking at my phone. When I thought that no one was looking, I focused all my energy surging through the wires trying to find a link to the lair.

It was a bit of a shock when I actually found a link connected to the basement of the building. I then sent down a spark hoping that it'll last throughout the entire building. Ryuji's whole facility was huge, probably the same length as the blue's main building.

Right when I tried to zoom into their control room, one of my sparks went through some kind of detector and sent off a huge explosion right under Scepter 4 patrol. As I followed the bomb's link it set off several more bombs in the city.

I quickly snapped back in reality when smoke started to fill my lungs. When I woke up I was all alone, no sign of Mizu or Anna. It was so dusty that it was hard to see where I was going.

"Mizu? Anna?" I called.

I lost both of them, by now I knew that the mission was in jeopardy. I had to make some kind of sign so that the boys will know where we are.

"Damn it all!" I roared as I pointed my two fingers to the sky and let out a huge lightning rod.

I held out for several more minutes hoping the boys could see it. Once I stopped it, all the people around me began to run off. The mission was a complete disaster.

When the fogs of dust finally disappeared, I was completely surrounded by Scepter 4 officers. I still kept my head down.

"HANDS UP, NOW!" one of them yelled.

At this point there was no point in being sneaky with these guys. With my energy fully charged I released all my energy to form a dome-shaped force field. Once it was up, all officers went ahead and simultaneously began to strike at my shield. Within every hit my arms began to grow sore from just holding up the field.

"Noa!" a small voice called from behind me. I turned my head and saw that Anna was burning a magnificent red and used it to help get rid of some of the officers.

Then out of the blue, Yata and Mizu jumped down and started to fight off some of the officers. As they were fighting, I saw a flash of yellow light plummet down at my shield, from that one hit my shield began to crack.

"Mizu, Yata! Watch out, Gold is here as well!" I screamed to them.

From the large crowds Takeshi, Ryouta, and Akio came in to join the fight. With one swift hit, Akio managed to hit Mizu while she wasn't looking and sent her flying into the air. As she was darting towards the ground, Yata quickly rolled over to her and caught her right before she could touch the ground.

"Mizu! Mizu, damn it wake up!" Yata yelled. As he was trying to get her out, Anna's flames surrounded them as they tried to escape.

Charging straight to us was Takehi, ready to beat them down. But then Kamamoto jumped down and blocked him.

"Yata, get her out of here!" He yelled.

Yata nodded in agreement and rolled off. Once he had left the rest of Homra had finally arrived. When they joined in on the fight, I finally lowered my arms and fell to my knees.

"Noa, are you okay?" Anna asked at she ran up to me along with Kamamoto.

"It's pretty rude to keep a lady waiting." I joked at him.

"Sorry about that, once we saw your signal we were on our way but them Scepter 4 officers got in out way. But Yuakri and Douhan told us to go ahead." he said as he helped me up.

"We have to get out as soon as possible, they probably have back up coming." I coughed.

"Noa, the Blue leaders are here." Anna quivered.

I squinted and noticed a Huge blue aura coming our way. His aura was so string that it knocked everyone to the ground. Everyone stared in amazement and horror.

"Homra, it's been a while." Munakata greeted them with a malicious smile. Right behind him were Awashima and of course, Fushimi.


Even though my voice was low, his eyes moved over to my direction. When our eyes met, Munakata drew out his sword and pointed it at me.

"Hello Noa."

I stepped up from Kamamoto and Anna. Then I took my hat off and released all of my hair.

"Scepter 4's famous King, Munakata Reisi."

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