Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 Collision and Chaos

The next morning, I woke up on a couch covered with blankets. Out of the kitchen, Ami came over with breakfast already set on her little dining table.

"You should've told me that you were coming over." She giggled as she took a seat beside me. "Who are your new friends?"

"I just bumped into them in the forests yesterday..." I yawned.

"Well, they can't really stay here for long. I just need them out by tonight, anyways I have to go to work. I'll see ya later." Ami got up from her seat and went over to the door to put on her shoes.

"Thanks for everything!" I waved to her.

"I know, I know." she said as she closed the door behind her.

Scattered on the floor were bundles of blankets and hidden underneath were outlines of our visitors. I went over to the one closest to me and kicked it's shoulder.

"Wake up, breakfast is ready." I groaned.

Yukari completely ignored me and turned over to his side. I got on to my knees and began to shake him vigorously.

"Yukari! Ami said you guys can't stay here for long! Since she's my friend the Blues probably patrol in her street!"

From the sound of my voice, Douhan actually woke up first and went over to the table to get his breakfast. I bother Yukari a couple more times before I decided to go get my breakfast while it was still hot.

Once I sat down, Yukari finally decided to get up. His hair was a complete mess and he made a very ugly expression on his face. Still half awake he came over to sit with us.

"Can you thank your friend for letting us spend the night here?" Douhan smiled.

"Sure thing. But where will you two go?"

"Don't worry about us, we'll find a place."

"Back to the topic from last night. Yukari, why do you want to find the silver king? I called him, he's mine." I glared at him.

Yukari simply laughed at me and ruffled my hair. I'm completely lost right now, what the hell was so funny.

"HEY! Quit laughing at me! What's so funny!?"

"You're pretty funny." he wiped a tear from his eye and finally stopped laughing.

"It sounds as though you're claiming the guy. And you're doing this all for a dream?"

"Answer my question."

"I'm not after the king himself. The person I'm after is one of his clansmen, who used to be part of a clan with me."

"So you're hunting him down for leaving the clan?"

"This is all personal business. But what about you? Are you just gonna leave Scpeter 4 just to join this guy?"

I was actually stumped by his question. I've been getting so attached to the team that I wasn't so sure anymore. For the whole breakfast I kept quiet and kept thinking this whole plan over.

After breakfast we all got ready. I had to borrow some of Ami's clothes since my dress was ruined. I borrowed a long gray button up shirt, black miniskirt, and black stockings.

"You look like you're going to a funeral." Yukari commented.

"Well, Ami works at a bar and has to dress like this. Anyways, you took forever in the bathroom. I needed to do my hair." I went to the bathroom looking for Ami's brush and ribbons. I braided my hair and pinned it up.

When we exited the building, we walked the center of the city. I came by a building and used my powers to see an outline of the city. After that I drew out the streets and buildings in the area.

Since it was still break, I didn't see any Blue patrols. We walked around the streets looking for some guy Yukari has been after. When I asked what he looked like, he just showed me a picture of him and a little kid. There was something very familiar about this boy's face.

Douhan suggested that we search on higher ground to get a better view of the city. We climbed up to the rooftops and watched the crowd of people, searching for a boy wielding a sword.

"Yukari, how do you even know that he's here?" I whined.

"Like how you're following a dream I'm following my conscience. I have a strong hunch that he's here."

"Well, do you mind me getting something to eat?" I asked as I got up and patted the dust off my skirt.

"Depends on what you're getting?" He smiled.

"There's a sushi shop not far from here. Anything you guys want to eat?"

Yukari held out his cellphone. "I'll just text you our orders. I slipped in our numbers in your phone when you were sleeping. Just in case if you see him, contact me immediately."

"Yeah, yeah I know." I said I headed over to the building next to us.

I took off my belt and used it as a handle to ride down the wires. I slid down to the roof and rode the elevator down. When I was finally out, I walked down three blocks to the sushi shop.

By the time I reached there, I had their orders on my phone. When I got the food, I noticed that the streets weren't as crowded anymore. We must have been up there for a long time.

When I turned the corner, I heard a loud bang that knocked me to my knees. People around began to run in my direction. I quickly covered my head from the multiple feet that stepped on me. Once the amount began to thin out, I got up on my feet and went to go check out the noise.

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