Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 Shake off the Blues

The atmosphere seemed very foggy and grey toned like what you see in old movies. As I walked my feet dragged back like there were weights attached to them. A strong force of wind pushed me back which left me frozen and shivering.

I hugged myself and rubbed my arms trying to keep warm. When I looked up I could make out an outline of a tall, slender man wearing a long white coat. I squinted to try to get a better look.
I trudged over to him and yelled to him.

Once I was close enough, I abruptly stopped and stared at him with eyes open wide. He took out a cigarette and put it between his teeth. Once he lit the lighter I was able to see his dull eyes come to life and a smile spread.

I rapidly blinked my eyes and suddenly found myself back in my room. I sat up and wiped the sweat off my forehead with my night shirt. I glanced over at the clock and realized that it was 7:00 am. I scrambled out of bed and quickly put on my boots and grabbed my pink hoodie.

I ran out the door and sprinted all the way back to the main building. It was filled with construction workers, it was so loud that I didn't even notice that Fushimi was behind me.

He gave me a painful look as if someone had stabbed him. His lips were moving but I couldn't hear a single word. He then rolled his eyes, grabbed my hood and began to drag me outside.

"I'm starting to doubt that your taking this job seriously. Where the hell were you and what the actual fuck are you wearing?!" he steamed.

"Look I just woke up and hurried over here to get someone to cover for me." I yelled back.

"Why didn't you just call me!? Could it be that you threw it yesterday night?" He took out my phone and dangled it in front of my face.

I tried to grab it but he raised his arm higher. I tried to reach for it but he was far too tall.

"Forget it! I don't need that thing!" I huffed and walked off but he grabbed on my hood again.

"Oh no you don't! You're coming with me!"

"To where!? The meeting's over and the computers are busted."

"Well, that doesn't mean the commander doesn't want to see you. Besides the whole point of the meeting was all for you."

Fushimi and I walked up the stairs and knocked on the commander's door before entering. Once we heard his usual jolly voice, we came in and sat in front of his desk.

"Well, it's nice to see you actually show up." he smiled at me.

"I over slept, it won't happen again."

"Most likely next week." Fushimi coughed.

I sat back and sent a small shock to his feet. He jolted off his chair and gave me a death glare as he sat back down.

"Now, both of you calm down there. I noticed that there's tension between you two."

"Oh, thank God his glasses aren't just for show!"

"I'm getting real tired of this bullshit..."

We both exclaimed at the same time.

"What seems to be the problem? We can't work if there's this much tension in the team, it's not healthy." He said in a slow, calming tone.

"Yeah, can you fix that with the rest of this damn team-"

"Do you not hear the amount of sarcasm and crap that comes out of his mouth-!"

We both bantered.

Noa: You know if you only cared about others you wouldn't be so gloomy!

Fushimi: That's really not the point in all of this! Besides, unlike you I actually do my work!

Noa: I'm not a workaholic just so I don't have to converse with others!

Fushimi: Are you even on our side?

Noa: Now's not the time for that! Tell me what you guys know, I know you're hiding something!

Fushimi:Geez, you girls are crazy! Just women in general are too much work to be with!

Noa: Misogynist!

Fushimi: Traitor!

Noa: How dare you-!

Fushimi: Cut the crap you-!

Munakata: CHILDREN! That is enough!

We both sat back on our seat and grew silent. I never heard him raise his voice like that before.

"Clearly, there's something I need to clear before we get back to our real work. Noa," His eyes darted over to me. "I know that Ryuji is a friend of yours and that you've been helping him out."

"Now, your addressing it..." Fushimi grumbled.

"But there's something you must know about this friend of yours. He's made contact with a scientists whose been working and experimenting on strains. He's created an enhancer which can double the strength in your special abilities. Now, my guess is that you know this man."

Munakata took a folder from his desk and tossed it to me. I opened it and saw the picture of the frightening man in my dreams. He was probably in his mid-forties, his eyes were it's usual tired self, and he had grey hair all around.

"Dr. Henkel, the last scientists to survive from the lab accident in a secret location in Hawaii." I said as I flipped through the pages.

"So you do know this man." Munakata's smile faded. "Noa, we need all the information you know about this man, the lab or the projects he's been working on."

"As much as I want to, I can't. It's a rule to never speak of the lab out of respect for the people who actually cared for us, strains. And for those who lost their lives."

"Is that how you really feel or is it fear that's stopping you?" Munakata got up from his chair and began to pace around the room.

From the corner of my eyes, I was able to see Fushimi staring me down. If I wasn't careful with my words, I might seem as a traitor here too.

"Noa, you're dismissed for now. I'll leave it up to you to decide." he said with his turned to us and his face looking out the cracked window.

I hesitantly got up from my seat and quietly headed out the door. All I could think about was the accident that still haunted me.

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